CON • TEXT - Arkitektur- og designhøgskolen i Oslo - AHO

CON • TEXT - Arkitektur- og designhøgskolen i Oslo - AHO

CON • TEXT - Arkitektur- og designhøgskolen i Oslo - AHO

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D E N K U L T U R E L L E S K U L E S E K K E Nof the target groups and how to facilitate learning andexperience in school” (D:KKD 2007:39) . 164The power to make professional claims to content and quality seem to betrusted more to the art sector. This is worrisome, as it seems as thoughdividing the work this way has been shown, both in Norwegian and Americanevaluations, to limit the pupils’ gain, while collaborations would give betterresults.There is also the discussion of quality to consider, as this displays the attitudetowards expert knowledge within the DKS pr<strong>og</strong>ram. This is a discussion that,in my opinion, is ineffectual, as the document states that: “It is neitherpossible or desired to have given criteria for content quality in Den kulturelleskulesekken” (D:KKD 2007:39). 165 There is such a thing as art and culture ofhigh quality, but there are no givens as to what constitutes this quality. Localamateurs can be accepted as professionals, and the quality must be good,however there are no guidelines to judge by. Except to:“It is the culture sector that should facilitate a good andprofessional content in Den kulturelle skulesekken. Productionsmust be quality checked within professional frames” (D:KKD2007:22). 166Also, the boundary breaking, revolutionary, free artist that must be allowed toprovoke is brought into the pr<strong>og</strong>ram. The artist hero struggling to challengethe establishment is included into what used to be more collaborationoriented thinking. The aim to facilitate the inspired view of the rebel isintroduced in the 2007 document:“One aim put emphasis on the fact that pupils would «get apositive attitude towards artistic and cultural expressions». It isnot always the case that meeting art and culture makes for apositive attitude. Art should also aggravate and provoke, andthe new formulation will support this aspect in a better way”(D:KKD 2007:22). 167164 OQ: “Kultursektoren med kompetanse til å vurdere kvaliteten på det kunstnarlege <strong>og</strong> det kulturfaglegeinnhaldet, formidlingsmetodar <strong>og</strong> kulturarrangement, <strong>og</strong> utdanningssektoren med kompetanse om korleisinnhaldet kan knytast til læreplanverket, om målgruppene <strong>og</strong> korleis ein kan leggje til rette for læring <strong>og</strong>oppleving i skulen”.165 OQ: “Det er korkje m<strong>og</strong>eleg eller ynskjeleg å gje ferdige kriterium for kvaliteten på innhaldet i Denkulturelle skulesekken”.166 OQ: “Det er kultursektoren som skal leggje til rette for eit godt <strong>og</strong> profesjonelt innhald i Den kulturelleskulesekken. Produksjonar må kvalitetssikrast innanfor profesjonelle rammer”.167 OQ: “Ei målsetjing la vekt på at elevane skulle «få eit positivt forhold til kunst <strong>og</strong> kulturuttrykk». Det erikkje alltid at møte med kunst <strong>og</strong> kultur gjer at ein vert positivt innstilt. Kunsten skal òg forarge <strong>og</strong> provosere,<strong>og</strong> den nye formuleringa vil ivareta dette aspektet på ein betre måte”.146

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