Inner Strength - Access to Insight

Inner Strength - Access to Insight

Inner Strength - Access to Insight

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probably our enemies in past lives. We probably oppressed them, imprisonedthem, or had them put <strong>to</strong> death. We got in the way of the good they were trying<strong>to</strong> do, so they’ve got some old scores <strong>to</strong> settle. They want <strong>to</strong> block the path we’retrying <strong>to</strong> practice so that we don’t make any progress. They come whisperingin<strong>to</strong> our ears: “S<strong>to</strong>p. S<strong>to</strong>p. You’re going <strong>to</strong> die. You’re going <strong>to</strong> starve. It’s going<strong>to</strong> rain <strong>to</strong>o hard, the sun’s <strong>to</strong>o hot, it’s <strong>to</strong>o early, <strong>to</strong>o late,” they go on and on.These are the consciousnesses that come as our enemies. There are others thatused <strong>to</strong> be our relatives and friends. They want <strong>to</strong> do good but they can’t, sothey take up residence in our body so that they can bow down <strong>to</strong> the Buddhaand chant along with us.Because of all this, there are times when our hearts are like monsters andogres. We can’t imagine why it’s happening, and yet it’s happening, even thoughwe don’t want it <strong>to</strong>. Then there are other times when our hearts are like devas—so sweet and good-tempered that other people can curse our mother’s wholefamily and we won’t get mad. Then there are other times when there’s no callfor anger and yet we manage <strong>to</strong> get angry in really nasty, ugly ways. That’s theway it is with these consciousnesses: all very confused and confusing, and theycome seeping in<strong>to</strong> our bodies. That’s how you should look at things.There’s yet another group of consciousnesses: the ones who have come <strong>to</strong>collect old kamma debts. They’re the germs that eat away at our flesh—at ournose, our ears—<strong>to</strong> ruin our looks. They eat away at our lower lip, exposing ourteeth, making us embarrassed and ashamed. Sometimes they eat away at one ofour ears, or eat away at our nose all the way up <strong>to</strong> the forehead. Sometimes theyeat at our eyes, our hands, our feet. Sometimes they eat away at our wholebody, making our skin diseased.These are kamma debt collec<strong>to</strong>rs. In the past we made life miserable forthem, so this time around they’re ganging up <strong>to</strong> make us squirm. The one’s thatare really easy <strong>to</strong> see are the worms that help eat the food in our intestines. Inthe past we probably ate their flesh and skin, so this time around they’re going<strong>to</strong> eat ours. They eat, eat, eat—eat everything. “Whatever you’ve got, youbastard, I’m going <strong>to</strong> eat it all.” That’s what they say. How are we ever going <strong>to</strong>get rid of them? They eat our outsides where we can see them, so we chase themaway and they go running inside, <strong>to</strong> eat in our s<strong>to</strong>mach and intestines. That’swhen it really gets bad: We can’t even see them, and they’re even harder <strong>to</strong> getrid of.So they keep making us squirm as they keep eating, eating away: eating inour intestines, eating in our s<strong>to</strong>mach, eating our kidneys, our liver, our lungs,eating in our blood vessels, eating our body hairs, eating everything all over theplace. They eat outside and turn in<strong>to</strong> skin diseases. They eat inside as worms andgerms. And they themselves get in<strong>to</strong> fights—after all, there are lots of differentgangs in there. Even just the worms have 108 clans. So when there are so manyof them, they’re bound <strong>to</strong> quarrel, creating a ruckus in our home. How can weever hope <strong>to</strong> withstand them? Sometimes we fall in with them without realizingit. How can that happen? Because there are so many of them that we can’t resist.These living beings in our body: Sometimes they get angry and get in<strong>to</strong>fights. Sometimes they run in<strong>to</strong> one another on the street and start biting and92

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