Inner Strength - Access to Insight

Inner Strength - Access to Insight

Inner Strength - Access to Insight

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consciousness is so slack and limp that it’s like a rope dragging on the ground.It’s the same with the phrase, “Consciousness is not-self.” All we know is thewords they say.Only when we develop discernment from concentrating the mind will we beable <strong>to</strong> understand consciousness. That’s when we’ll be able <strong>to</strong> understand theeighteen properties, starting with: “Cakkhu-dh›tu, rÒpa-dh›tu, cakkhu-viññ›˚adh›tu”—eyeproperty, form property, eye-consciousness property. Tounderstand these three things you need the kind of knowledge that comes fromconcentration. For example, how many kinds of consciousness are there in oureye? When a form appears <strong>to</strong> the eye and there’s consciousness of the form—is itreally our consciousness, or is it the consciousness of some other being without abody that’s getting in<strong>to</strong> the act? Or is it the consciousness of a being with a bodygetting in our way, making us doubtful and unsure? The three kinds ofconsciousness that arise at the eye, that see forms: how many different ways dothey react? And are those reactions really a result of our own consciousness, orof the consciousness of beings with bodies inhabiting our body? Or are they theresult of consciousnesses without bodies. We don’t know. We haven’t theslightest idea. When we don’t know even this much, how are we going <strong>to</strong> know,“Cakkhu-dh›tu, rÒpa-dh›tu, cakkhu-viññ›˚a-dh›tu”? There’s no way. We have noinsight, no knowledge, no discernment at all.“Sota-dh›tu”: our ear, which is the basis for ear-consciousness <strong>to</strong> arise. Whichkind of ear-consciousness arises first? Do we know? No, not at all. Is it our ownconsciousness that goes out <strong>to</strong> listen <strong>to</strong> sounds? Is it the consciousness of somelittle animal lurking in our ears? Or is it the consciousness of some being thatdoesn’t even have a body? Or is it really our own consciousness? Examine thingscarefully so that you know this before anything else. You can tell from theresults: There are some kinds of sounds that you like <strong>to</strong> hear, but you know thatthey’re not right, and yet you still like <strong>to</strong> listen <strong>to</strong> them. You should realize whenthis happens that it’s not your consciousness that’s listening, because it’s not loyal<strong>to</strong> you. There are other kinds of sounds that are good and right, but you don’tlike them. That’s another case when it’s not your consciousness. Something elsehas probably infiltrated and gotten in the way.You have <strong>to</strong> watch out for this carefully, because there are a lot of differentgroups of consciousness with their own agendas. Sometimes you listen <strong>to</strong> otherpeople speaking. What they say is true and right, but you don’t like it. So you goassuming that this business of liking and disliking is yours. You never s<strong>to</strong>p <strong>to</strong>think that consciousness is not-self. The fact that you don’t s<strong>to</strong>p <strong>to</strong> think is whyyour ears are so deaf. You’re not listening. Some hungry ghost is listening inyour stead, without your even realizing it. So how are you going <strong>to</strong> rememberanything? Your mind isn’t here with the body in the present, so it’s not listening.Hungry ghosts are listening, dead spirits are listening, angry demons are in theway, so as a result you yourself don’t know, don’t understand, what’s being said.Ghosts and demons are doing all the listening and thinking, but you assume it’sall you. This is why the Buddha said that ignorance blinds our eyes and deafensour ears. It’s all an affair of consciousnesses.“Cakkhu-dh›tu, rÒpa-dh›tu, cakkhu-viññ›˚a-dh›tu”: There are these three things.94

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