Acta Technica Corviniensis

Acta Technica Corviniensis

Acta Technica Corviniensis

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ACTA TECHNICA CORVINIENSIS – BULLETIN of ENGINEERINGand fig.7 show the limits of the maximum field,where the metallurgic engineer can choose theelement percent of the chemical composition,in order to obtain steel having the desiredfeatures of the manufacturer. Knowledge of thelevel curves for these maximum fields allows thecorrelation of the two independent variable (thecontents of the chemical element) so that R p0,2/Tcan be obtained within the limits asked by thebeneficiary.CONCLUSIONThese results allow the establishing of the best C,Mn, Si contents from the chemical compositionof 12VMoCr10, so that, by the end of theelaboration, steel can possess certain imposedmechanical features.The analysis has been done for 3 elements of thechemical composition, being able to enlarge itfor both other elements, depending on thedesired chemical composition and other typesof steel.Taking into consideration that the way in whichone charge is done has a deep importance onthe mechanical features of the steel, knowledgeof these correlations is really significant for theengineer, because he is the one to estimate thevalues of the imposed parameter, depending onthe chemical composition which allows him theadjustment of the chemical composition duringthe elaboration, in order to obtain the featuresdesired by the beneficiary.REFERENCES[1.] LĂPUŞAN, A. – Contributions brought to the studyof steel behavior at high temperature, Doctoralthesis, Timişoara, 2004.[2.] TODEREAN, I. – The mathematical study ofexperimental dates. The Academy Publishing,Bucharest, 1976.[3.] MAKSAY, Şt. – Special Mathematics, ThePolytechnic Publishing, Timişoara, 2001.[4.] TALOI, F. – The optimalization of metallurgicprocess. The Didactics and PedagogicPublishing, Bucharest, 1982AUTHORS & AFFILIATION1.AMALIA ANA DASCĂL1. 2. 3DEPARTMENT OF ENGINEERING & MANAGEMENT,FACULTY OF ENGINEERING HUNEDOARA,UNIVERSITY “POLITEHNICA” TIMISOARA, ROMANIAACTA TECHNICA CORVINIENSIS– BULLETIN of ENGINEERINGcopyright ©UNIVERSITY POLITEHNICA TIMISOARAFACULTY OF ENGINEERING HUNEDOARA5, REVOLUTIEI331128 – HUNEDOARAROMANIAhttp://acta.fih.upt.ro2008/ACTA TECHNICA CORVINIENSIS/Tome I 35

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