Acta Technica Corviniensis

Acta Technica Corviniensis

Acta Technica Corviniensis

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ACTA TECHNICA CORVINIENSIS – BULLETIN of ENGINEERINGFigure 5 The proposed sinusoidal signal(blue) and the network predicted signal (red)We consider a sinusoid signalx() t = 0 .5 + sin( 2⋅π⋅t)- in Figure no. 5 it iscoloured in blue. The learning ratio of thetraining algorithm is η = 0. 1 , considering that itis constant during the training process. Thenetwork turns active and the training algorithmis used for a period of 200 steps. We could seethat after about 100 repetitions the network isable to predict the signal we propose – Figureno. 5, where the red signal represents the outputof the neuronal network during the trainingprocess. Figure no. 6 describes the predictionerror - the difference between the real and thepredicted signal. This signal tends to reach 0after a certain time.Figure no. 7 describes the values of the simpleperception weights during the training process.The identification time of the process lastsaccording to the value we choose for thelearning ratio. If we want a faster identificationthen, the value must be increased, but the valueswe have estimated during the first stages reachimportant values. We could also use anothertraining method that should vary the learningratio throughout the process, for improving themethods.Figure 6 Prediction error between the realand predicted signalFigure 7 The evolution of the weights during thetraining processCONCLUSIONAll the neuronal networks could be made ofsimple processing elements, such as perceptionsor neurons, so they should make up some singlelayernetworks, or made of several elements andthey should make up some multi-layer networks.The „information” within all these networks isdistributed within the connection weightsamongst the different layers that make thenetwork. Studies have proven that theprediction of the neuronal networks signals isextremely effective.This paper work has described the linear neuronused for predictions, the training process, andthe results we had obtained. The network ismade of one neuron, according to the linearactive process, which has the last five inputvalues we have to predict.REFERENCES[1] DUMITRESCU, D., COSTIN, H. „Reţele neuronaleteorie şi aplicaţii” Editura Teora, 1996.[2] LJUNG, L. “System Identification” Theory for theUser Prentice Hall, Inc., Englewood Cliffs, NewJersey 07632.[3] LJUNG, L., SODERSTROM T. “Theory andPractice of Recursive Identification”, MIT Press,1983.[4] MOKTANI, M, MARIE, M. ”Engineering Applicationof Matlab 5.3”, Springer, 2000.[5] NARENDRA, K. S., PARTHASARATY, K.“Identification and Control of DynamicalSystems Using Neural Networks”, IEEETransactions on Neural Networks, vol. 1 nr. 11990, pag. 4-27.[6] TIRIAN G.O. „High speed neuronal estimator forthe command of the induction machine”2008/ACTA TECHNICA CORVINIENSIS/Tome I 55

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