Acta Technica Corviniensis

Acta Technica Corviniensis

Acta Technica Corviniensis

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ACTA TECHNICA CORVINIENSIS – BULLETIN of ENGINEERING Professor Dr. Mariana Gavrilescu, Chemical andEnvironmental Engineering, “Gheorghe Asachi”<strong>Technica</strong>l University of Iasi, Faculty of CheemicalEngineering and Environmental Protection,Department of Environmental Engineering andManagement, Iasi, Romania. Professor Dr. Abdullah Mahmood, ProjectManagement, College of Planning andArchitecture, King Saud University, Saudi Arabia. Associate Professor Dr. Said Mohammed AlAbidi, Dental Science and Materials, Faculty ofMedicine, Department of Dental, GaryounisUniversity, Libya. Associate Professor Dr. Claudiu Chiru, ComputeSciences, University Spiru Haret, Costanta,Romania. Professor Dr. Ismail Said, Dep. Of LandscapeArchitecture, Faculty of Buklt Environment,Universiti Technology Malaysia, Skudai, Johor,Malaysia Dr. Odile Schwarz-Herion, MBA, SustainableDevelopment Consultant, Germany Dr. Julijana SILJANUSKA, Faculty ofAdministration and Management InformationSystem, University of “St. Kliment Ohridski” –Bitola, Republic of Macedonia. Associate Professor Dr. Julaihi bin Wahid,School of Housing, Building and Planning,Universiti Sains Malaysia. Associate Professor Dr. KISS Imre, UniversityPolytechnic Timisoara, Faculty of EngineeringHunedoara, Department of Engineering andManagement, Romania. Prof.Dr.RM.Soegijanto, Bandung Institute ofTechnology (ITB), Bandung, Indonesia. Prof.Dr.H.M. Ramli Rahim, HasanuddinUniversity, Makassar, Indonesia. Prof.Dr.Prasasto Satwiko, Atma Jaya ChristianUniversity, Yogyakarta, Indonesia. Prof.Dr. Tri Harso Karyono,BPPT/Tarumanagara University, Indonesia Dr. Ing. Eka Setiadi Rasyad, Department ofArchitecture, Trisakti University, Jakarta,Indonesia. Dr. Egor Sidorov, Jan Evangelista PurkyneUniversity, Usti nad Labem, Czech Republic. Associate Professor Dr. Macjei GORA, Faculty ofChemistry, Department of Organic Chemistry,Jagiellonian University, Kraków, Poland. Professor Dr. Elena Druica, Department ofEconomics, Faculty of Administration andBusiness, University of Bucharest, Romania. Dr. Violaine Mijno, Laboratoire de GéologieHydrASA, Limoges Cedex, France. Dr. Abdelhaq Kabbabi, Centre for Studiesand Research Mineral Phosphate, Casablanca,Morocco. Assoc. Prof. Dr. Giovanni Dotelli,Department of Chemistry and ChemicalEngineering “G. INSTM R.U. – Polimi,Politecnico di Milano, Milano Italy. Prof. Dr. Mohd. Hamdan Ahmad, Dept. ofArchitecture, Faculty of Built Environment,Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM) Skudai,Johor, MalaysiaIMPORTANT DATES:Deadline for Abstract submission 20 Aug 2009Reply to Authors for Abstracts acceptance 31Aug 2009Full paper submission 10 Sep 2009Reply to Authors with reviewer’s comments 20Sep 2009Final paper submission 30 Sep 2009Conference date 26-27 Oct 2009INSTRUCTION TO AUTHOR:An abstract should consist of 250-300 words,and the author should state the objective,theoretical framework, methodology, datasources, results, and applications in his/herpaper.Please write your name (s), affiliation (s),address (es), phone, fax, e-mail address at theend of the page.Full Papers of not more than 14 pages, singledspaced with Times New Roman Font 10 (2.5cm all margins) should reach the <strong>Technica</strong>lConference Chair not later than 10, September2009. All the papers presented at theconference will appear in the proceedings. CD-ROM and abstracts will be distributed to theconference participants.BENEFITS OF ATTENDING:The conference will be of interest to planners,environmentalists, engineers, architects,ecologist, economists, policy makers and othergovernmental officials, researchers andacademics involved in the field of thesustainability. However, attending thisconference will benefit you as follows:2008/ACTA TECHNICA CORVINIENSIS/Tome I 83

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