PUC Annual Report–Fiscal Year 2004-05 - Public Utilities Commission

PUC Annual Report–Fiscal Year 2004-05 - Public Utilities Commission

PUC Annual Report–Fiscal Year 2004-05 - Public Utilities Commission


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<strong>Public</strong> <strong>Utilities</strong> <strong>Commission</strong> <strong>Annual</strong> Report <strong>2004</strong>-<strong>05</strong>State of Hawaii Page 61. HECO, MECO, HELCO, AND KIUC PROCEEDINGS:a. COMMISSION REVIEWS HECO’S REQUEST FOR RATEINCREASE.In November <strong>2004</strong>, HECO filed an application requesting a rate increase of 9.9 per centwhich includes the transfer of the cost of existing energy conservation programs from a surchargeline item on electric bills into base electricity charges which appear on another line on electricbills. For HECO customers, the net rate increase is 7.3 per cent. HECO’s request for a rateincrease will be needed to ensure the continuation and expansion of its energy efficiency andconservation programs. The <strong>Commission</strong> issued a decision granting an interim rate increase inFiscal <strong>Year</strong> 20<strong>05</strong>-06. 2In the same rate increase application, HECO also requested approvals and/ormodification of demand-side management (“DSM”) programs and load management programsand recovery of costs and DSM utility incentives. (For a discussion of this part of HECO’srequest, see the section, “HECO Requests Approval of DSM Programs and Cost Recovery.”)b. INTEGRATED RESOURCE PLANNING (“IRP”) ACTIVITIES.IRP has become a key vehicle for state regulatory commissions, electric utilities, energystakeholders, and the public to understand and influence the planning process of identifying andevaluating combinations of demand–side and supply-side energy resources that will achievespecified objectives and meet forecasted demand. Specifically, the goal of IRP is theidentification of the resources or the mix of resources for meeting near and long term consumerenergy needs in an efficient and reliable manner at the lowest reasonable cost.In 1992, the <strong>Commission</strong> required HECO, HELCO, MECO and Citizens CommunicationsCompany, Kauai Electric Division (“KE”) (nka, KIUC) to develop integrated resource plans inaccordance with the IRP Framework. The IRP Framework, which was adopted in May 1992,requires each energy utility to develop a long-range, twenty-year IRP and a medium-range,five-year program implementation schedule (action plan) to be submitted on a three-year planningcycle for the <strong>Commission</strong>’s review and approval. Generally, the IRP Framework furtherprescribes what the utilities are required to do and the factors to be considered in developing theirrespective integrated resource plans. Among other things, it also encourages public participationin the development of each utility’s integrated resource plan, and subject to <strong>Commission</strong> reviewand approval, allows the utility to seek the recovery of all appropriate and reasonable integratedplanning and implementation costs. In addition, the IRP Framework provides the <strong>Commission</strong>with the authority to establish various incentive mechanisms to encourage and reward aggressiveutility pursuits of DSM programs (i.e., shareholder incentives and lost margins 3 ).2 On September 27, 20<strong>05</strong>, the <strong>Commission</strong> issued a decision granting HECO an interimrate increase of $53,288,000 in additional revenues. Interim Decision and Order No. 22<strong>05</strong>0, filedSeptember 27, 20<strong>05</strong>, in Docket No. 04-0113.3 In November 2001, the <strong>Commission</strong> required, consistent with the parties’ stipulation, thatif HECO exceeds its current authorized rate of return of 9.16 per cent on its average rate basedetermined in its last rate case in 1995, as a result of its recovery of lost margins and shareholderincentives, HECO shall refund the amount by which its rate of return on average rate baseexceeds 9.16 per cent, together with interest. D&O Nos. 19019 and 19020, November 15, 2001.The <strong>Commission</strong> issued similar decisions, consistent with the parties’ stipulation, for HELCO(Amended D&O No. 19094, December 11, 2001) and MECO (D&O No. 19093, November 30,2001). Under D&O No. 19658, KIUC waived “all claims they may have to recover earned, butunbilled demand side management shareholder incentives from KE customers.”

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