Filter and Report Designer

Filter and Report Designer

Filter and Report Designer

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Infinite Campus Technical Reference – <strong>Filter</strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>Report</strong> <strong>Designer</strong>Student > Attendance<strong>Filter</strong> FieldStudent > AttendancenametermIDtermNametermSeqperiodAbsencesabsencesExcusedabsencesUnexcusedtardiesMapping <strong>and</strong> DefinitionSystem Administration > Calendar > TermsDistrict or school-defined name for this term within this term’sschedule (e.g. Quarter 1, Q1, Semester 1, S1).Internal database identifier.System Administration > Calendar > TermsDistrict or school-defined name for this term within this term’sschedule (e.g. Quarter 1, Q1, Semester 1, S1).System Administration > Calendar > TermsThe sequence on the term used for sort ordering throughout Campus.Student Information > General > AttendanceTotal number of absences for a term.Student Information > General > AttendanceTotal number of excused absences for a term.Student Information > General > AttendanceTotal number of student’s unexcused absences for a term.Student Information > General > AttendanceTotal number of occasions a student was considered tardy for a term.Course Mark CountThis section contains elements that count the total period absences broken down by Excused <strong>and</strong> Unexcused.Elements within this section also count tardies grouped by student, term <strong>and</strong> section.personIDcalendarIDstructureIDtermIDtermNametermSeqcourseIDcourseNumbercourseNamecourseAbsencesperiodAbsencesabsencesExcusedtardiesInternal database identifier.Internal database identifier.Internal database identifier.Internal database identifier.System Administration > Calendar > TermsDistrict or school-defined name for this term within this term’sschedule (e.g. Quarter 1, Q1, Semester 1, S1).System Administration > Calendar > TermsThe sequence on the term as used for sorting within Campus.Internal database identifier.Scheduling > Courses > CourseCourse number.Scheduling > Courses > CourseCourse name.Student Information > General > AttendanceTotal number of absences for a course <strong>and</strong> term.Student Information > General > AttendanceTotal number of periods absent for a course <strong>and</strong> term. This may differfrom courseAbsences if a course meets more than one period.Student Information > General > AttendanceTotal number of excused absences for a course <strong>and</strong> term.Student Information > General > AttendanceThe total number of occasions a student was considered tardy.Some areas/fields not currently available in <strong>Report</strong> <strong>Designer</strong>.90

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