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5113.1.Creation of Facing toolpathsTo begin with select what format the NCprogramshould be programmed in by arrow A.Select: ISO Milling.AThen select Generate a CNC-Toolpath forFace Milling by clicking on the icon by arrowB.Write the text FACING in the Comment field.This text will be present at the start of the finalNC code for this operation. When multipleoperations exist in the same NC program, itwill help to locate and identify the start of eachoperation.Click on the outlining contour at the placeindicated by arrow C.BCDThis will select the bounding contour that thefacing operation will operate on.Click on Parameters by arrow D.Enter the following values into the dialogshown to the right.Cutter Diameter:This is the diameter of the cutter. Here it is a 30mm Face Mill.Start Depth: This is the top of the part.End Depth: The final depth (will be correctedby Stock to Leave).

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