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61This dialog contains all the general parametersthat are used for roughing and finish in bothdepth and side cuts.Cutter Diameter:Diameter of the tool in use.Retract Height: The height where the toolwill move between contours, and where it itwill top at the end of the operation.Safe Distance: This is the distance abovethe part, where the feedrate will change fromrapid to cutting speed.Start Depth: This is top of the stock.End Depth: This is the depth where the lastcut will be taken. This value is corrected bythe Stock to leave Z value.Stock to Leave XY: This is the amount ofstock that is left in the XY/side direction atthe end of the operation (after both Roughingand Finish).Stock to leave Z: The amount of stock that isleft in the Z/depth direction at the end of theoperation (after both Roughing and Finish).Apply on Roughing Sidecuts: If this checkbox is checked, the compensation type will beapplied to both roughing and finish side cuts.Otherwise computer compensation is used forroughing cuts, and the selected compensationtype for finish cuts.Compensation Type: This is thecompensation type used for the operation.

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