Student Handbook - Mount Olive College

Student Handbook - Mount Olive College

Student Handbook - Mount Olive College

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3. Resources/services facilitated by an automated library system which is part of the local campus networkand is available remotely via the Internet. The system includes an integrated, computerized library systemwith links to other libraries worldwide; access to NCLIVE (electronic databases – indexes/abstracts/fulltext),and access to a variety of resources on the World Wide Web.4. Bibliographic instruction for individuals and classes.5. A qualified professional and support staff.6. Cooperative agreements with other libraries to augment resources for various campuses and programs.7. Services, materials, and facilities for the surrounding community for enrichment and continuing education.8. Full interlibrary loan and document delivery service available to all students, faculty and staff.9. Library information brochures providing detailed information on library resources/services/policies(available at Circulation Desk or upon request).10. Materials for leisure and personal interest enrichment.11. Special services for reference/circulation assistance, including email and 800 number and courier/mail/faxdelivery.Circulation Information – Barcodes are attached to <strong>Student</strong> Identification Cards for circulation purposes. Thestudent ID card or another form of identification is required when checking out materials.Circulating materials can be checked out for one month and may be renewed in person or via telephone unlesssomeone else needs the material. Overdue fines on regular materials are 5 cents per day and 10 cents per hour onreserve materials (weekends and holidays included). All materials are due by the end of the term/semester unlessspecial permission has been secured.Special Notice: The <strong>College</strong> reserves the right to withhold grade reports and transcripts of students who have not returned library materialsand/or cleared financial obligations (payment of fines, damage fees, or costs of replacement for lost materials) by the date required at the end ofeach semester. Further, the <strong>College</strong> reserves the right to deny registration for the term/semester following unless obligations have been cleared orarrangements made to settle the account.Mail Services2.16All resident students are required to obtain a campus mailbox. A $5.00 refundable deposit is required for the key.A lost key is replaced for a $5.00 charge. Mailboxes are available to commuting students upon request and asavailable. Mail is not delivered on weekends or during vacation periods.<strong>Student</strong>s may purchase first-class stamps and envelopes at the <strong>Student</strong> Development Office. First-class mail may besent from the campus at the student mailboxes.Parking Services 2.17These traffic and parking regulations, authorized by the Executive Council, are intended to facilitate the safe andorderly conduct of <strong>College</strong> business, to provide parking services in support of these functions within the limits ofavailable space, and to maintain the flow of traffic on our campus. These regulations are also designed to enhancethe safety of our campus, by identifying visiting vehicles. Enforcement of these regulations is necessary to achievethese goals and to comply with fire codes.RegistrationAll vehicles parking at the <strong>Mount</strong> <strong>Olive</strong> location must display a current registration permit or pass displayed in thebottom left corner of the automobile’s rear window or on the left side of the rear bumper.17

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