Student Handbook - Mount Olive College

Student Handbook - Mount Olive College

Student Handbook - Mount Olive College

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B. To promote a close relationship among students, faculty, and staff.C. To promote campus life, personal responsibility, and loyalty to the <strong>College</strong>.D. To maintain in the students a perpetual awareness of the highest ideals of Christian faith and practice.Article III: MembershipSection I: Each full-time student enrolled in the traditional program shall be a member of SGA. All part-timestudents, students enrolled in non-traditional programs, and members of the faculty and staff shallbe associate members (without vote).Section II: Academic classes – Each class shall be vested with the authority to organize a class level. Eachclass may elect a minimum of 2 and a maximum of 6 people to serve as senators. The senatorsshall be elected under the rules set by the Executive Council of the SGA.Section III: <strong>Student</strong> Council – The <strong>Student</strong> Council is the legislative body of the <strong>Student</strong> GovernmentAssociation. See Article VI.Section IV: Clubs and Organizations – All clubs, organizations, and classes are subdivisions of SGA.Section V: Recognition - In order to be recognized as a student organization of <strong>Mount</strong> <strong>Olive</strong> <strong>College</strong>, allclubs and organizations shall have a valid constitution approved by the SGA and must have acollege faculty or staff member as adviser. Further, to maintain recognition, all clubs andorganizations must meet the criteria and standards set forth by the <strong>Student</strong> Council.Article IV: MeetingSection I: Regular meetings of the SGA shall be weekly unless the <strong>Student</strong> Council deems a meetingunnecessary. Special meetings of the SGA may be called by the President of SGA at his/herdiscretion or upon the request of sixty percent (60%) of the SGA. At least one adviser should bepresent at this meeting.A. Executive Officers shall meet once a week in addition to the <strong>Student</strong> councilmeetings. At least one advisor shall be present at this meeting.Section II: At all meetings of SGA, any member of the <strong>College</strong> community may raise discussion or commentwithin the meeting procedures of the SGA, but only Council members may vote upon any issue.Section III: All Council members are expected to attend all meetings. SGA members can miss 6 meetings(excused or unexcused) throughout the year. After the sixth absence, SGA Executive Cabinet willmeet me with the member to discuss the attendance policy and on a case by case basis, decide ifthis member should be removed from office for neglect of duty. Members who need to be absentfrom a scheduled meeting, should notify the adviser or member of the Executive Council at leasttwenty-four (24) hours prior to the meeting.Article V: Executive Officers & <strong>Student</strong> Council OfficersSection I: QualificationsA. Executive Officersa. Executive Officers are defined as President, Vice President, Secretary, and Treasurer.b. To be a candidate for and to retain office, executive officers must have a minimumcumulative grade point average of 2.5 and must be in good judicial standing (not onProbation or more severe sanction).c. All full-time students meeting the qualifications are eligible for offices of Vice President,Secretary, and Treasurer.d. Candidates for President must have earned at least 26 semester hours prior to assumingoffice and must have previously been a member of the <strong>Student</strong> Council.B. <strong>Student</strong> Councila. The <strong>Student</strong> Council is defined as all voting members of the <strong>Student</strong> Council other than theExecutive Officers (senators, specified representatives) for this section only.b. To be a candidate for and to retain office, <strong>Student</strong> Council members must have a minimumcumulative grade point average of 2.3 and must be in good social standing.c. Senators must meet the <strong>College</strong> definition of classification of students (semester hoursearned) by the date they assume office.Section II: DutiesA. Presidenta. To call meetings and to serve as ex-officio member of the Executive Council.26

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