Student Handbook - Mount Olive College

Student Handbook - Mount Olive College

Student Handbook - Mount Olive College

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longer a threat to self or others, and further stating that he/she has fulfilled the <strong>College</strong>’s requirement for thestudent regarding treatment.The Appeal Process 6.3.4Accused students may appeal a decision of any level of the disciplinary system within three (3) business days afterbeing informed in writing of the decision. Complainants do not have the opportunity for appeal.1. Appeal Authority Appeals presented from cases heard by a Residence Life Coordinator are directed to and shall bedetermined by the Vice President for <strong>Student</strong> Development.B. Appeals presented from cases heard by the Peer Review Board or the Vice President for <strong>Student</strong>Development are directed to and shall be determined by the <strong>College</strong> Judicial Board.C. Appeals presented from cases heard by the <strong>College</strong> Judicial Board shall be reviewed by the Appeals Board.If the Board determines that the appeal has merit then the case will be heard by the Appeals Board todetermine whether student is responsible or not.D. Any case for which a sanction of suspension or expulsion from the <strong>College</strong> was imposed may be appealedto the Provost after it has been reviewed by the <strong>College</strong> Appeals Board.2. Grounds for Appeal of the following grounds for appeal must be presented in the written appeal. These are the only grounds uponwhich a decision may be appealed.1. There is significant new information relevant to the case that was not available at the time of the originalhearing.2. There is evidence that the person or Board who decided the original hearing was unduly biased in decidingthe case.3. The sanction imposed was capricious (i.e. the sanction was very excessive when compared with previoussanctions for similar violations under similar circumstances).4. When specified procedural error or errors in the interpretation of <strong>College</strong> regulations are so substantial as todeny the charged student a fair hearing.3. Process for Appeal The appeal must be presented in writing.2. The Appeal Authority shall determine what evidence, documentation, etc. is necessary to decide the appeal.The Appeal Authority will normally not, but may at its discretion, meet with the student presenting theappeal.3. If sufficient grounds for appeal are evident, the Appeal Authority will take action on the appeal. Choices ofaction are to diminish the severity of or nullify the sanction or to sustain the sanction. When circumstanceswarrant, as determined by the Appeal Authority, the case may be referred back to the original level of thedisciplinary system for a review of the case (i.e. when new evidence exists not available at the time of theoriginal hearing).4. If sufficient grounds for appeal are not evident, the Appeal Authority will deny the appeal, and the originalsanction will stand.5. The decision of the Appeal Authority is final.4. Status of <strong>Student</strong> During An Appeal sanction imposed as a result of the original hearing shall be in effect until such time as an appeal is granted andthe sanction is changed. A student who is Suspended or Expelled from the Residence Halls or the <strong>College</strong> mustabide by that sanction, unless granted permission by the Vice President for <strong>Student</strong> Development to remain in theResidence Halls and/or classes until such time as a decision is reached on the appeal.Notice to Parents6.4Parents or guardians of dependent students will be informed of any violation of drug or alcohol regulations. Thisaction is taken in accordance with the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act. All other disciplinary information50

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