Student Handbook - Mount Olive College

Student Handbook - Mount Olive College

Student Handbook - Mount Olive College

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Quiet Hours – those hours during which noise should not be loud enough to disrupt the study or sleep of others; ifnoise can be heard beyond a student’s room, it is in violation of Quiet Hours. Quiet Hours extend to common areassuch as hallways, bathrooms, laundry facilities and study lounges. Those who violate the Quiet Hours policy may beasked to leave the common area and also may be subject to judicial action.Quiet Hours: 8:00 p.m. - 10:00 a.m. (Sunday through Thursday)11:00 p.m. - 10:00 a.m. (Friday and Saturday)Courtesy Hours – those hours during which the noise level is not above what would be expected in a typicalhousehold residence. Courtesy Hours extend to the lobby areas. When the noise is disturbing to another person,normal consideration requires that it be lessened. Courtesy Hours are the period of time when Quiet Hours are notin effect.Final Exam Periods – Quiet Hours will be in effect beginning at 8 a.m. the last day of class and continuing 24 hoursper day during final exams each semester as posted by the <strong>Student</strong> Development Office.Pets5.18For reasons of hygiene and safety and for the protection of animals, NO PETS are allowed to be in a resident’sroom or apartment at any time. Fish tanks of less than 10 gallons in size are permitted but must be removed duringthe semester break. <strong>Student</strong>s are also asked to use care when cleaning a fish bowl or tank and not allow gravel to godown any sink drains.Private or Single Rooms5.19The <strong>College</strong> has no rooms that are designed for or designated as private or single rooms. In the event all rooms arenot filled to capacity, the <strong>College</strong> may consolidate residents and close rooms to conserve costs. <strong>Student</strong>s requestinga private room at that time will be accommodated in accordance with posted notices; normally preference is givenon a seniority basis or when deposit was paid.No single room is guaranteed until after the first two weeks of classes each semester. An additional fee will becharged to the student’s account if the Business Office states that the student’s account is current; if the account isnot current, the additional fee cannot be applied and the student may not have a private room. Check with <strong>Student</strong>Development Office for the fee of a single room if single rooms are available.The only other accommodation for a private room will be made for medical reasons, supported by properdocumentation and approved by the Vice President for <strong>Student</strong> Development. If such approval is made, the studentwill be required to pay an additional $400.00 per semester. Further, the approval will be contingent upon noticefrom the Business Office that the student’s financial account is current and the fee may be added to the account.Posters/Displays/Decorations5.20<strong>Student</strong>s are encouraged to decorate their rooms to make them more attractive and personal. However, decoration,poster, etc., may not be in contradiction with or in flagrant disregard of <strong>College</strong> policy, standards, or values. Thisincludes, but is not limited to, those items that promote the use of alcohol and illegal substances.<strong>Student</strong>s will be asked to remove any offensive materials placed on windows, walls or on the outside of room doors.Designated Residence Life Staff may remove offensive materials in the event that a student does not comply with aremoval request.Residency Requirement5.2140

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