AECOM Report B&W - N - City of Guelph

AECOM Report B&W - N - City of Guelph

AECOM Report B&W - N - City of Guelph


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<strong>City</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Guelph</strong>2008 Annual <strong>Report</strong>Closed Eastview Road Landfill Sitehigher in the well with concentrations ranging from 28 to 53 mg/L, between 2005 and 2008. Theseconcentrations are similar to those recently observed at the downgradient location 37, although the chlorideis significantly lower. This well is also located upgradient <strong>of</strong> the landfill and, therefore, it is concluded thatthese concentrations are not related to leachate impacts.4.7 Effects <strong>of</strong> Municipal Water Supply PumpingA condition added to the C. <strong>of</strong> A. in 1999, Condition 17.10, requires the <strong>City</strong> to comment on the operation <strong>of</strong>the landfill with respect to the municipal water supply pumping in the Northeast Quadrant. Below is anassessment <strong>of</strong> the operation <strong>of</strong> the landfill and the effects <strong>of</strong> the water supply pumping, following the formatdeveloped through consultation with the MOE.• Review the water level measurements taken in the bedrock beneath the landfill site, and compare theseto the historical database, to confirm that the influence <strong>of</strong> the <strong>City</strong>’s water supply pumping system isstable beneath the landfill.• Review <strong>of</strong> measured bedrock groundwater elevations taken beneath the landfill generally does notindicate any change in levels, excluding seasonal variation, when compared to historical data (Section4.2). In fact water levels in the bedrock have generally increased since 1999 and are now generallysimilar to pre 1997 levels at most locations. As well, similar to 2006, the seasonal variability was muchless than in previous years due to the much higher precipitation in 2008.• Review the municipal water supply pumping records for the northeastern quadrant <strong>of</strong> the <strong>City</strong> to confirmthat the water takings are within the historical ranges over the period <strong>of</strong> record for the monitoringprogram at Eastview Road Landfill.The pumping records were reviewed by <strong>City</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Guelph</strong>’s Water Works personnel and found to be withinhistorical ranges (Appendix H).• Review the results <strong>of</strong> groundwater sampling and testing from the bedrock beneath the landfill site toconfirm that the Reasonable Use Guidelines for groundwater quality are being met at the site boundariesand, therefore, there is no unacceptable impact from Eastview Road Landfill leachate on the <strong>City</strong>’smunicipal water supply wells.Reasonable Use continues to be met at the site boundaries (Section 4.4 and 4.5), there is nounacceptable impact on the <strong>City</strong>’s municipal water supply wells from Eastview Road Landfill leachate.• Review the landfill monitoring results against the predictive analysis <strong>of</strong> leachate migration from thelandfill site towards the bedrock to confirm that the water quality in the bedrock at the landfill siteboundaries will continue to meet the Reasonable Use Guidelines, and, therefore, there will be nounacceptable impact from Eastview Road Landfill leachate on the <strong>City</strong>’s municipal water supply wells inthe future.The landfill monitoring results for both chemistry and water level measurements confirm that the bedrockwater quality at the site boundary will continue to meet the Reasonable Use Guidelines (Sections 3.6 and4.5). Therefore, there will be no unacceptable impact from Eastview Road Landfill leachate on the <strong>City</strong>’smunicipal water supply wells in the future.(111414_2ra_apr29-09_city_<strong>of</strong>_guelph.doc) - 36 -

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