Appendix - Peak District National Park Authority

Appendix - Peak District National Park Authority

Appendix - Peak District National Park Authority


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10.0 PROPOSED AMENDMENT TO THECONSERVATION AREA BOUNDARY10.1 The existi ng Con servation Areaboundary currently exclu des Od dfellows Ro wand Bank House, on Station Road. Th e proposalis to extend the Conservation Area to includ ethese properties within its boundary (see Figure12). Th e extensi on follo ws the exi sting physi calboundary th at en closes Oddfell ows Ro w andBank House, as marked on the current OrdnanceSurvey map.10.2 Although Oddfellows Row is now barelyvisible from the publi c d omain, thi s terrace i simportant as a relict of Hathe rsage’s industri alpast, as wel l as having associations with theOddfellows Society.10.3 On the 18 80 Ord nance Survey Ma p(Figure 6 ), Oddfello ws Row can be see nstanding alone and surrou nded by field s, just tothe ea st of Station Ro ad. It dates fro m aroundthe middle of the ninete enth centu ry an d, alongwith Downing Ro w which is in cluded w ithin theexisting Conservation Are a bou ndary, is on e ofthe earliest nineteenth century industrial terracesstill remaining in Hathersage.10.4 The Oddfellows Society is known to havebought a plot of land in the middle of Ha thersagein the late se venteenth century, where they builta row of cottages with allotments and somecommon grazing land; although the cottages nolonger exist, allotments can still be seenimmediately to the sout h-east of O ddfellowsRow, on t he 1 930s aerial ph otograph ofHathersage (see Section 3, photograph 3.5).Part of the Oddfellows land was later divided intobuilding plots, let to memb ers of the Society andthe Oddfellows lent them the money to build theirown houses (p eaklandheritage.org.uk). T heHope Valley Oddfellows were established in1736 a nd a re one of th e olde st local Bran chFriendly Soci eties in the U.K. The a ssociationwith the O ddfellows S ociety add s to thesignificance of Oddfell ows Row in th e histo ry ofHathersage.10.5 Bank Hou se dates from t he e nd of th enineteenth century and can be seen o n the 1898Ordnance Survey map, at the weste rn end ofOddfellows Row. Th e no rth end of the buildin gwas origi nally a shop, and its larg e, arch edground-floor window i s in itself of architecturalinterest. The property is of some significance asa hi storical remnant of t he thrivin g n ineteenthcentury industrial settlement and provides a linkbetween the more historically importantOddfellows Ro w and th e nineteenth centurydevelopments within the Con servation Area tothe west.P3.1 Oddfellows Row (front)P3.2 Oddfellows Row (rear)P3.2 Oddfellows Row with outside privies to rearP3.3 Bank House45

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