Item 8 - Sheffield Health and Social Care

Item 8 - Sheffield Health and Social Care

Item 8 - Sheffield Health and Social Care


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Incident type 2010/11 2011/12 2012/13All incidents 5981 6408 (a) 6260All incidents resulting in harm 1627 1689 1508Serious incidents (investigation carried out) 38 45 34Patient safety incidents reported to NRLS (d) 3359 3598 3340Patient safety incidents reported as ‘severe’ or ‘death’ 28 41 42Expressed as a percentage of all patient safety incidentsreported to NRLS0.8% 1.1% 1.3%Slips, Trips <strong>and</strong> Falls incidents 1449 1652 1180Slips, Trips <strong>and</strong> Falls incidents resulting in harm 554 558 420Self-harm incidents 365 (a) 369 (a) 425Suicide incidents (in-patient or within 7 days of discharge) 1 2 (b) 0 (c)Suicide incidents (community) 24 13 5 (c)Violence, aggression, threatening behaviour <strong>and</strong> verbal abuse incidents 1485 1644 1930Violence, aggression <strong>and</strong> verbal abuse incidents resulting in harm 267 276 240Medication Errors 354 (a) 360 (a) 321Medication Errors resulting in harm 0 0 1Infection ControlInfection incidentsMRSA Bacteraemia 0 0 1Clostridium difficile Infections 0 0 0Periods of Increased infection/Outbreak• Norovirus• Rotavirus• InfluenzaShowing number of incidents, then people affected in bracketsPreventative measuresMRSA Screening – based on r<strong>and</strong>omised sampling to identifyexpected range to target7 (52)1 (5)07 (60)003 (28)01 (3)n/a 2% 39%Staff Influenza Vaccinations 20% 37.6% 56%(a) The incident numbers have increased from those reported in the 2011/12 Quality Account report due to additional incidents being enteredonto the information system after the completion of the report.(b) The figure has decreased from that reported in last year’s Quality Account report due to an HM Coroner’s inquest which has not yet beenheld. It is likely that this figure will increase in next year’s report(c) Figures are likely to increase pending the conclusion of future HM Coroner’s inquests. This will be reported in next year’s report.(d) The NRLS is the National Reporting Learning System, a comprehensive database set up by the former National Patient Safety Agencythat captures patient safety information.3.2 EffectivenessThe following information summarises ourperformance against a range of measures ofservice effectiveness.Primary <strong>Care</strong> Services – Clover GroupGP PracticesThe Quality Outcomes Framework (QoF) providesa range of good practice st<strong>and</strong>ards for the deliveryof GP services. Traditionally the 4 practices thathave formed the Clover Group have been belowthe <strong>Sheffield</strong> averages in their performance againstthese st<strong>and</strong>ards have previously been in the lowestquartile in the city. The practice serves a majoritymulti-ethnic migrant population in areas of socialdeprivation within <strong>Sheffield</strong>. This brings a numberof acknowledged challenges for the service todeliver the range of st<strong>and</strong>ards.Over the last 2 years, significant progress <strong>and</strong>achievements have been made. In 2011/12 theClover Group of practices improved to be in thePrimary <strong>Care</strong> – Clover Gp’sFlu vaccinationshighest quartile in <strong>Sheffield</strong> <strong>and</strong> their challenge thisyear was to sustain this improvement. They haveachieved this, which is an excellent achievement<strong>and</strong> demonstrates that real improvements arebeing implemented for the longer term benefitof the communities the practices serve.In 2011/12 the service achieved a total of 98.7% ofall the QoF st<strong>and</strong>ards, with a <strong>Sheffield</strong>-wide averageof 97%. This year in 2012/13 the service achieved98.2% of the st<strong>and</strong>ards.The following table summarises performanceagainst national st<strong>and</strong>ards for GP services. <strong>Health</strong>screening for the practice population is challenging<strong>and</strong> influenced by the high proportion of the patientgroup being from BME communities. The servicehas been working closely with its community groupsto increase awareness <strong>and</strong> access arrangementsfor health screening programmes to supportimprovements. Uptake in the programmesgradually increases over the years.This yearstargetHow did wedo in year2011 – 12How did wedo this yearVaccinate registered population aged 65 <strong>and</strong> over 75% 75% 78%Vaccinate registered population aged 6 monthsto 64 years in an at risk populationVaccinate registered population who arecurrently pregnantChildhood immunisations70% 50%* 56%70% 45%* 51%Two year old immunisations 70-90% 90% 90%Five year old immunisations 70-90% 81% 85%Cervical cytology 60-80% 66.7% 66.4%*Note: The target for 2011/12 was 50% & 45% respectivelyInformation source: System One <strong>and</strong> Immform115116

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