Item 8 - Sheffield Health and Social Care

Item 8 - Sheffield Health and Social Care

Item 8 - Sheffield Health and Social Care


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Annexe BAnnexe C2012/13 Statement of directors’responsibilities in respect of thequality reportThe directors are required under the <strong>Health</strong> Act2009 <strong>and</strong> the National <strong>Health</strong> Service (QualityAccounts) Regulations 2010 to prepare QualityAccounts for each financial year. Monitor has issuedguidance to NHS Foundation Trust Boards on theform <strong>and</strong> content of annual Quality Reports (whichincorporate the above legal requirements) <strong>and</strong> onthe arrangements that Foundation Trust Boardsshould put in place to support the data qualityfor the preparation of the Quality Report.In preparing the Quality Report, directors arerequired to take steps to satisfy themselves that:• The content of the Quality Report meets therequirements set out in the NHS FoundationTrust Annual Reporting Manual• The content of the Quality Report is notinconsistent with internal <strong>and</strong> external sourcesof information including:• Board minutes <strong>and</strong> papers for the period April2012 to May 2013;• Papers relating to Quality reported to the Boardover the period April 2012 to May 2013;• Feedback from the commissioners dated3 May 2013;• Feedback from governors dated 25 April 2013;• Feedback from LINks/ <strong>Health</strong>watch dated9 May 2013;• The trust’s complaints report published underregulation 18 of the Local Authority <strong>Social</strong>Services <strong>and</strong> NHS Complaints Regulations 2009,dated August 2012;• The [latest] national patient survey issued in 2012;• The national staff survey issued February 2013;• The Head of Internal Audit’s annual opinion overthe trust’s control environment dated 28 May2013; <strong>and</strong>• <strong>Care</strong> Quality Commission quality <strong>and</strong> riskprofiles issued monthly during 2012/13;• The Quality Report presents a balanced pictureof the NHS Foundation Trust’s performance overthe period covered;• The performance information reported in theQuality Report is reliable <strong>and</strong> accurate;• There are proper internal controls over thecollection <strong>and</strong> reporting of the measures ofperformance included in the Quality Report, <strong>and</strong>these controls are subject to review to confirmthat they are working effectively in practice; <strong>and</strong>• The data underpinning the measures ofperformance reported in the Quality Report isrobust <strong>and</strong> reliable, conforms to specified dataquality st<strong>and</strong>ards <strong>and</strong> prescribed definitions,is subject to appropriate scrutiny <strong>and</strong> review;<strong>and</strong> the Quality Report has been prepared inaccordance with Monitor’s annual reportingguidance (which incorporates the QualityAccounts regulations) (published at www.monitor-nhsft.gov.uk/annualreportingmanual)as well as the st<strong>and</strong>ards to support data qualityfor the preparation of the Quality Report(available at www.monitor-nhsft.gov.uk/annualreportingmanual).The Directors confirm to the best of their knowledge<strong>and</strong> belief they have complied with the aboverequirements in preparing the Quality Report.By order of the BoardChairman28th May 2013Chief Executive28th May 2013Independent Auditor’s Reportto the Council of Governors of<strong>Sheffield</strong> <strong>Health</strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>Social</strong> <strong>Care</strong>NHS Foundation Trust on theQuality ReportWe have been engaged by the Council of Governorsof <strong>Sheffield</strong> <strong>Health</strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>Social</strong> <strong>Care</strong> NHS FoundationTrust to perform an independent assuranceengagement in respect of <strong>Sheffield</strong> <strong>Health</strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>Social</strong><strong>Care</strong> NHS Foundation Trust’s Quality Report for theyear ended 31 March 2013 (the ‘Quality Report’) <strong>and</strong>certain performance indicators contained therein.Scope <strong>and</strong> subject matterThe indicators for the year ended 31 March 2013subject to limited assurance consist of the nationalpriority indicators as m<strong>and</strong>ated by Monitor:• 100% enhanced <strong>Care</strong> Programme Approach(CPA) patients receive follow up contact withinseven days of discharge from hospital;• Admissions to inpatient services had access tocrisis resolution home treatment teams; <strong>and</strong>• Total number of safety incidents reportedincluding the number of incidents resultingin severe harm or death.We refer to these national priority indicatorscollectively as the ‘indicators’.Respective responsibilities of the Directors<strong>and</strong> auditorsThe Directors are responsible for the content <strong>and</strong>the preparation of the Quality Report in accordancewith the criteria set out in the NHS Foundation TrustAnnual Reporting Manual issued by Monitor.Our responsibility is to form a conclusion, basedon limited assurance procedures, on whetheranything has come to our attention that causesus to believe that:• The Quality Report is not prepared in all materialrespects in line with the criteria set out in theNHS Foundation Trust Annual Reporting Manual;• The Quality Report is not consistent in all materialrespects with the sources specified in section2.1 of Monitor’s 2012/13 Detailed Guidance forExternal Assurance on Quality Reports; <strong>and</strong>• The indicators in the Quality Report identified ashaving been the subject of limited assurance inthe Quality Report are not reasonably stated inall material respects in accordance with the NHSFoundation Trust Annual Reporting Manual <strong>and</strong>the six dimensions of data quality set out in theDetailed Guidance for External Assurance onQuality Reports.We read the Quality Report <strong>and</strong> consider whetherit addresses the content requirements of the NHSFoundation Trust Annual Reporting Manual, <strong>and</strong>consider the implications for our report if webecome aware of any material omissions.We read the other information contained in theQuality Report <strong>and</strong> consider whether it is materiallyinconsistent with:• Board minutes for the period April 2012to May 2013;• Papers relating to Quality reported to the Boardover the period April 2012 to May 2013;• Feedback from <strong>Sheffield</strong> City Councils <strong>Health</strong>ierCommunities <strong>and</strong> Adult <strong>Social</strong> <strong>Care</strong> ScrutinyCommittee dated 26 April 2013;• Feedback from the Commissioners dated3 May 2013;• Feedback from local <strong>Health</strong>watch organisationsdated 9 May 2013;• The Trust’s complaints report published underregulation 18 of the Local Authority <strong>Social</strong>Services <strong>and</strong> NHS Complaints Regulations2009, dated August 2012;• The national patient survey issued in 2012;• The national staff survey dated February 2013• <strong>Care</strong> Quality Commission quality <strong>and</strong> riskprofiles issued monthly during 2012/13; <strong>and</strong>• The Head of Internal Audit’s annual opinion overthe Trust’s control environment dated 28 May 2013.We consider the implications for our report ifwe become aware of any apparent misstatementsor material inconsistencies with those documents(collectively, the ‘documents’). Our responsibilitiesdo not extend to any other information.We are in compliance with the applicableindependence <strong>and</strong> competency requirements ofthe Institute of Chartered Accountants in Engl<strong>and</strong><strong>and</strong> Wales (ICAEW) Code of Ethics. Our teamcomprised assurance practitioners <strong>and</strong> relevantsubject matter experts.131132

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