TMS320F206 Digital Signal Processor (Rev. A) - Futurlec

TMS320F206 Digital Signal Processor (Rev. A) - Futurlec

TMS320F206 Digital Signal Processor (Rev. A) - Futurlec


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<strong>TMS320F206</strong>DIGITAL SIGNAL PROCESSORSPRS050A – NOVEMBER 1996 – REVISED APRIL 1998flash serial loaderThe on-chip flash is shipped with a serial bootloader programmed at the following addresses: 0x0000–0x00FFh.All other flash addresses are in an erased state. The serial bootloader can be used to load flash-programmingalgorithms or code to any destination RAM (SARAM or B0 RAM) through the on-chip UART or enhancedsynchronous serial port (ESSP). Refer to the serial loader documentation to understand on-chip flashprogramming using the serial bootloader.on-chip registersThe <strong>TMS320F206</strong> includes three registers mapped to internal data space and eighteen (18) registers mappedto internal I/O space. Table 8 describes these registers and shows their respective addresses. In the table, DSrefers to data space and IS refers to input/output ports.18 POST OFFICE BOX 1443 • HOUSTON, TEXAS 77251–1443

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