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26. SCOTTISH TRADES UNION CONGRESSThe STUC is the voice of the collective trade union movement in Scotland, with 36 tradesunions and 20 trades union councils affiliated, representing around 632,253 tradeunionists in Scotland (2012 figures). Our relations with some Scottish-level organisationsand certain trade union aspects of relations with Government are commonly conductedthrough the STUC.The <strong>EIS</strong> has been affiliated to the STUC since 1974. We are the third largest affiliate andplay a major role in events and activities organised by that body. <strong>EIS</strong> has threerepresentatives on the STUC General Council, and is represented on a number ofcommittees dealing with education and training, the arts, the economy, local governmentand so on.The <strong>EIS</strong> participates in a number of STUC sponsored conferences, demonstrations andother events throughout the year. Principal among these is the Annual Congress of theSTUC, where the <strong>EIS</strong> sends a delegation made up of national and local representatives.Congress agrees resolutions in a number of areas which, though not binding on affiliates,act as a guide for the consensus of trade union opinion on the issues of the day. The STUCGeneral Council acts on these resolutions during the course of the year.The <strong>EIS</strong> participates in the Annual Women’s Conference of the STUC, again sending adelegation made up of national and local representatives. The Conference agreesresolutions on matters of particular concern to women in Scotland, and is widelyrecognised as the leading forum for women’s issues on the Scottish political scene.Conference also elects a Women’s Committee, on which the <strong>EIS</strong> is represented.The <strong>EIS</strong> also participates in the Annual Black Workers’ Conference of the STUC. This eventelects its own Black Workers’ Committee and two members of the General Council. The<strong>EIS</strong> is represented at all of these levels of organisation.Local association representatives should note that relations with the STUC are conductedthrough <strong>EIS</strong> Headquarters, however, the contact details for information are:Scottish Trades Union Congress House333 Woodlands RoadGLASGOWG3 6NGTel: 0141 337 8100Fax: 0141 337 8101107September 2012

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