Download EIS Reps Handbook

Download EIS Reps Handbook

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NOTES(a)Maingrade Scale and Chartered Teacher ScaleThe Maingrade Scale applies to all unpromoted teaching staff in nursery, primary,secondary and special education. Salary progression is by service increment.Following the 2011 Pay and Conditions Agreement short term supply teachers arepaid at point 1 of the maingrade scale. Progression through the Chartered TeacherScale has been terminated. Chartered Teachers and those who were in theChartered Teacher Programme retain the pay point reached following the 2011 Payand Conditions Agreement.(b)Principal Teachers, Depute Headteachers and HeadteachersThere are two spinal columns, one for Principal Teachers and one for DeputeHeadteachers and Headteachers. Placement on both of the spinal columns isdetermined by application of the national job-sizing agreement.(c)Initial Placement on the Maingrade ScaleInitial placement on the Maingrade Scale is determined by application of Part 2,Section 1, Paragraphs 1.8 - 1.23 of the SNCT <strong>Handbook</strong>.(d)The Salary YearThe salary year for teachers runs from 1 August in one year to 31 July of the followingyear. This is different from the leave year which runs from 1 September to 31 August.(e)ConservationAll teachers who continue to hold a particular promoted post to which they wereappointed before 1 April 2001 will be protected by the salary conservationarrangements outlined in Part 2, Section 1, Paragraph 1.68 – 1.70 of the SNCT<strong>Handbook</strong>. Teachers appointed to promoted posts from 1 April 2001 will be entitledto cash conservation for a period of three years should their substantive salary levelbe downgraded.(f)Acting AppointmentsWhere a teacher is appointed to carry out the duties of a promoted member of staff(Principal Teacher, Depute Headteacher or Headteacher) on a temporary basis, thesalary receivable will be increased to the salary for the post. If the teacher is alreadyemployed in that school additional payment is not normally made until the teacherhas been carrying out the duties of the acting post for a period of 20 working days.These 20 days need not be consecutive as long as a period of no longer than sixmonths has elapsed since the last period of “acting up”.(g)Hourly and Daily Rates of Pay(i)The daily rate of pay for all teachers will be 1/235 of the annual rate of salaryannual salary235(ii)The hourly rate of pay for all teachers will be 1/1645 of the annual rate ofsalaryannual salary74September 2012

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