Download EIS Reps Handbook

Download EIS Reps Handbook

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Job Sharing1. Good Practice Guidance and Job Share Agreements1.1 The following “good practice guidelines” have been Institute policy for anumber of years.Definition.- “Job-Sharing” should involve the sharing of the duties andresponsibilities of one full-time post between two people. In principle, the postshould remain essentially one job, capable of reverting to one full-time post ifrequired. Provided the job is treated as a whole, this principle would notprevent a multi-disciplinary job-share in secondary schools (eg English/French).However, it would not be acceptable as a job sharing arrangement for onepartner to work as a promoted teacher while the other partner is employed asan unpromoted teacher.1.2 Voluntary Principle.- A job-share arrangement should always be enteredvoluntarily, by application on the part of the teacher. An authority shouldneither pressure nor compel a teacher to become a job-sharer.1.3 Eligibility.- Agreement should be reached that all jobs as defined in 1.1 above,including promoted posts are eligible for sharing arrangements. This principlewould maximise the equal opportunities benefits of the scheme.1.4 Hours.- Normally a post should be shared on the basis of time, rather thanduties/responsibilities. Prospective job-sharers should be informed that,unless they already have “acquired employment protection rights”, entering ajob share arrangement could require a further period of continuous service inorder to acquire these rights. However, any move to a job-share position wouldnot break continuity of employment.1.5 Communications Between Partners.- Opportunities, where possible, should beprovided for liaison between sharers and this is most readily achieved bybuilding in an overlap period for sharers. This overlap period should bearranged within the sharers’ contractual time.1.6 Configuration of Working Week.- An agreement among the sharers and head ofestablishment on the pattern of work should be made prior to implementationof a job sharing arrangement. Thereafter, there should be stability oftimetables for sharers, subject to an annual review prior to the start of a newsession. Proposals to alter the arrangement should be the subject ofconsultation, be implemented at the start of a session, and be subject to anagreed period of notice.1.7 New Job-Sharers.- While a request from an existing employee to share his/hersubstantive post should normally be granted, it may be appropriate to specifya period of notice for submitting such a request and to have fixed startingpoints (eg beginning of each term). Where an authority is unable to find apartner, the request may have to be held in suspense.1.8 Where a Partner Leaves.- If an existing partner leaves, the remaining partnershould be offered the post on a full-time basis. Where a new partner isrequired, appointment should be in accordance with normal procedures forfilling vacancies. If a placement cannot be found, the remaining partner shouldbe redeployed to another post by agreement.84September 2012

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