Download EIS Reps Handbook

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18. EQUALITY“Equality is not a minority concern - it matters to every one of us. At some point in our lives,all of us face barriers that may prevent us fulfilling our potential, or participating fully insociety.” (Equality and Human Rights Commission, 2007)Responsibilities of the <strong>EIS</strong>As a trade union the <strong>EIS</strong> recognises its own responsibilities under legislation as anemployer and a provider of services.Equality is a priority area of the <strong>EIS</strong> in its relationships with members and employers in theeducation sectors.It is committed to the principles of equality in employment and educational provision. Aspart of the trade union movement it is aware of the role it has to play in challenginginequality, discrimination and prejudice throughout society.Individual members have responsibilities not to discriminate and to be aware of their ownobligations to challenge discrimination and promote equality in the workplace and ineducational practice.<strong>EIS</strong> members could:- help promote equality and eliminate discrimination in the workplace; play a part in the local association/branch; ensure equality issues are on the agenda of <strong>EIS</strong> meetings; encourage wider participation of members in the activities of the <strong>EIS</strong>.Education authorities, independent schools and further and higher education institutionsare expected to promote equality of opportunity and eliminate unlawful discrimination ineducation.Equality Act 2010Although the Equality Act 2010 has simplified a large number of Acts and regulations it isstill very complex. The following information is intended only as a guide to some of theprovisions of the Act which affect employees, education providers and service providers.If you believe you have been discriminated against on the grounds of a protectedcharacteristic you must seek advice from your local association secretary in the firstinstance.If your employer is covered by the public sector equality duty section of the legislation, it isrequired not only to end discrimination but promote equality in all of its functions.It is illegal to discriminate against people on the grounds of the following nine protectedcharacteristics-AgeDisabilityGender reassignmentMarriage and civil partnershipPregnancy and maternityRace64September 2012

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