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The Scottish Government has an equality strategy which provides a framework for all itsdepartments to tackle prejudice and discrimination and promote equality.Education ScotlandAs a public body and government agency Education Scotland is subject to the duties topromote equality.HMIe documents relating to schools, communities, local authorities and further educationcontain specific reference to equality indicators.Scottish Education LegislationThere is also education legislation specific to Scotland which provides for antidiscriminationin terms of the provision of education. Education (Scotland) Act 1980; The Education (Scotland) Act 1996; The Standards in Scotland’s Schools Act 2000; Education (Additional Support for Learning) (Scotland) Act 2009.Standards in Scotland’s Schools Act 2000The Standards in Scotland’s Schools Act 2000 requires education authorities to develop anannual statement of improvement objectives, incorporating an account of the ways inwhich they will encourage the observance of equality legislation. Section 5 states thateducation authorities shall include, within this annual statement, an account:of the ways in which they will, in providing school education,encourage equal opportunities and in particular the observance ofthe equal opportunity requirements.Education (Additional Support for Learning) (Scotland) Act, 2009“A child may require additional support for a variety of reasons. These may include thosewho are being bullied, are particularly gifted, have experienced a bereavement, or are notattending school regularly, as well as those who have behavioural or learning difficulties,mental health problems, or specific disabilities such as deafness or blindness. Thelegislation will have an impact wider than education and has significant implications forprofessionals working in health, social work and a range of other agencies.” (Learning andTeaching Scotland)General Teaching Council for ScotlandStandard for Initial Teacher Education and Standard for Full RegistrationBoth Standards refer specifically to equality and social justice and the responsibility ofteachers to promote them through their knowledge and understanding and professionalpractice.69September 2012

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