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teachers who are members of no union. LRs will, however, only provide detailed support,information and advice on professional development opportunities to members of the <strong>EIS</strong>.Appointment of Learning RepresentativesThe National Executive Committee will appoint sufficient numbers of LRs consistent withthe terms of paragraph 1 of this protocol in consultation with the local associations in thearea of which the LR will undertake his/her duties. Confirmation of the names of LRs inpost will be made by Council at the final meeting of the annual <strong>EIS</strong> cycle of meetingsreporting to the AGM.A potential LR, after selection by the National Executive Committee, will be required toundertake and pass an approved module at Masters level, taught by a university partner ofthe <strong>EIS</strong>. Only after the module has been successfully completed, will the potential LR beaccredited to undertake the duties of an <strong>EIS</strong> Learning Representative.The Council will appoint an ad hoc sub-committee of the National Executive Committee tooversee development in relation to the <strong>EIS</strong> continuing professional development role,including the arrangements in respect of Learning Representatives and also to makerecommendations in terms of the appointment of Learning Representatives to fill anyvacancies or, from time to time, to make additional appointments. The sub-committee willbe called the CPD Sub-Committee. The sub-committee will be charged with consulting fullyany local association in which a vacancy has occurred with a view to agreeing anappropriate replacement.In the event of any disagreement between the sub-committee and the local association ona nomination to fill the vacancy, the matter will be referred to the National ExecutiveCommittee with a full appropriate statement from the sub-committee and also from thelocal association concerned. The National Executive Committee will thereafter either makea clear decision on appointment or will refer the matter back to the sub-committee who, ingiving new consideration to the matter, will be charged with liaising with the relevant localassociation.The CPD sub-committee will be charged with investigating any alleged failure on the part ofa LR to adhere to the terms of this Protocol and/or to the “Standards for <strong>EIS</strong> LearningRepresentatives”. This will include investigating any allegation by a local association thatthe LR has failed to meet the terms of the Protocol or Standards. In the event that the subcommitteebelieves that the LR has a case to answer for, the sub-committee will arrange tomeet directly with the LR concerned to discuss the matter. If the sub-committee believesthat the LR should be removed from post, it will make a recommendation on this to theNational Executive Committee. An LR has the right of appeal against the recommendationon removal and may make a written submission to the National Executive Committee.When the National Executive Committee meets to consider the matter the LR will beentitled to make an oral presentation to the National Executive Committee.Time Off for Learning RepresentativesLocal associations and, where appropriate, branch secretaries in FE colleges, will becharged with negotiating appropriate time off for LRs within the framework of the ACASCode. In the event of failure to agree appropriate time off which is acceptable both to thelocal association and to the LR, the matter will be referred back to the national CPD subcommitteewith a view to pursuing the matter with the local authority concerned andthereafter, if necessary, to seek appropriate redress in law.Network and Meetings of Learning Representatives37September 2012

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