Statistics on Cultural Industries - International Trade Centre

Statistics on Cultural Industries - International Trade Centre

Statistics on Cultural Industries - International Trade Centre

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of methodological guidelines and tools, reporting formats, and trends analyses pertaining to thecultural industries sector. The NSB will, as the instrumental agency in this field, be mobilized fororientati<strong>on</strong>, training, management and implementati<strong>on</strong>, including systems diagnosis, feasibilitystudies, systems design, development, and management.More c<strong>on</strong>cretely, the implementati<strong>on</strong> of nati<strong>on</strong>al data project comp<strong>on</strong>ents (A, B, C, and D) will leadto increased capacity at different levels as outlined below.Capacity building at the nati<strong>on</strong>al level:2.1 Improved data collecti<strong>on</strong> filling the existing gaps between creative/cultural industries,policy-making, and statistical data collecti<strong>on</strong>;2.2 Improved informati<strong>on</strong> systems (industrial statistics software for data storage, processing,tabulati<strong>on</strong> and analysis), analytical framework and informati<strong>on</strong> outputs (baseline data)relating to the cultural industries sector;2.3 Improved research process and outcomes with regard to cultural industries as animportant part of policy measures at nati<strong>on</strong>al level;2.4 Increased instituti<strong>on</strong>al capacity with regard to the issues involved in data collecti<strong>on</strong> andanalysis pertaining to the cultural industries sector; and2.5 Increased awareness and evidence-based policy development related to realizing thepotential of the cultural industries sector (Creativity Index). The provisi<strong>on</strong> of betterinformati<strong>on</strong> and transparency enable more relevant, efficient and cost-effective resourcemanagement,thus empowering government efforts to achieve development goals suchas poverty reducti<strong>on</strong> and the UN Millennium Development Goals (MDGs).Capacity building at the regi<strong>on</strong>al level (Asia-Pacific):2.6 Better-informed policy-making and co-ordinati<strong>on</strong> for knowledge-based decisi<strong>on</strong>makingwith regard to the cultural industries sector and its potential to c<strong>on</strong>tribute tooverall development goals;2.7 Improved links at the regi<strong>on</strong>al level between nati<strong>on</strong>al policy instruments, comparativecreative/cultural research and statistical activities (Creativity Index);2.8 Optimized and co-ordinated use of development agencies’ resources;2.9 Increased regi<strong>on</strong>al co-operati<strong>on</strong> and networking for statistics-related activities.Result 2: Nati<strong>on</strong>al Data Project Outputs (Phase 1)The tangible outputs of Phase 1 of the cultural industries data project related to Result 2 include:OUTPUT 2.1OUTPUT 2.2Regular surveys and comprehensive sector analyses at the local, nati<strong>on</strong>al andregi<strong>on</strong>al levels through the applicati<strong>on</strong> of a comprehensive methodology forcultural industries sector data collecti<strong>on</strong> and analysis.Industrial statistics software for data storage, processing, tabulati<strong>on</strong> and analysisrelated to the cultural industries sector (survey instruments, analytical tools, andguidelines).84

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