Funding Sources for Cultural Initiatives in ACP Countries

Funding Sources for Cultural Initiatives in ACP Countries

Funding Sources for Cultural Initiatives in ACP Countries

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Digital production:Greatest Hits – Nicolás Pereda - MexicoStrange Love – Natasha Mendonca - IndiaPost-production fund<strong>in</strong>g or f<strong>in</strong>al-f<strong>in</strong>anc<strong>in</strong>g:Girimunho – Helvécio Mar<strong>in</strong>s Jr. & Clarissa Campol<strong>in</strong>a - BrazilGood Bye – Mohammad Rasoulof - IranNeighbour<strong>in</strong>g Sounds – Kleber Mendonça Filho - BrazilPostcards From the Zoo – Edw<strong>in</strong> - IndonesiaVerano - José Luis Torres Leiva - ChileDistribution:Viva Riva! (2010, Congo-K<strong>in</strong>shasa) by Djo Tunda Wa Munga, distribution <strong>in</strong> several (Southern)African countriesWorkshops/HBF Award:Imag<strong>in</strong>ations - Suka! Productions - Congo-K<strong>in</strong>shasaDurban Filmmart: HBF Award - South AfricaApplication procedureSelection rounds take place twice a year, with application deadl<strong>in</strong>es on March 1 and August 1.The Hubert Bals Fund gives f<strong>in</strong>ancial support twice a year. Application deadl<strong>in</strong>es are March 1 andAugust 1. All materials should arrive no later than 5 days after the deadl<strong>in</strong>e.It is essential that the filmmaker be a citizen and live and work <strong>in</strong> a develop<strong>in</strong>g country as mentioned<strong>in</strong> the DAC-List. Applications should be <strong>in</strong> English or <strong>in</strong> French.The prime consideration of the panel that considers all the projects will be the artistic qualities of anapplication.The entry should be orig<strong>in</strong>al, authentic and rooted <strong>in</strong> the culture of the applicant`s country.The project should contribute to the development of the local film <strong>in</strong>dustry and local film-mak<strong>in</strong>g skills.For the Fund to participate <strong>in</strong> a project, there should be a strong possibility that the rest of the f<strong>in</strong>ancecan be found. There<strong>for</strong>e applicants approach<strong>in</strong>g the Fund should have other <strong>in</strong>terested partners <strong>in</strong>place.RestrictionsThe vision and talent of the filmmaker are essential <strong>for</strong> the fund when mak<strong>in</strong>g its choices; there<strong>for</strong>ewe can only accept projects where a director is attached.79

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