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of the Nazi party leaders who composed it all to become purely anadjunct of that organization's achievement of absolute power. Butit is a.government-planned and government-managed autarchy, justas Italy is, and just as any fascist state is, since this is one of theessential and characteristic elements of the fascist state.Planning had come in for much advertisement through the Russianmodel, but it was, in fact, a pet theme with German philosophersand economists for over a century. But the essential difference betweenplanning in a communist country and planning in a capitalistcountry was lost on these schemers. A corporation, like the UnitedStates Steel Corporation, can, and must of necessity, plan its operations.It can plan because it owns outright all its plants and is completemaster of its decisions. It can and must decide what productsit will make, what production processes it will use, what its financialpolicies will be, over what areas it will extend its operations, whatits sales and promotion and price policies will be. It must assume therisk involved in these plans. A communist society is, like the UnitedStates Steel Corporation, a gigantic holding company, for it owns itssteel mills, its railroads, its banks, and every other agency of productionand distribution. The production, employment, wage, distribution,price, and promotion policies of this immense holdingcompany—the Soviet Government—must be laid out by that government.But in a capitalist state the government does not own eitherthe production, distribution, or financial organizations. When, therefore,it proposes to plan, the plans are for industries and organizationsit does not own. Planning for such a government becomes awholly different process, unless the government is bent on tellingevery enterpriser what he must produce, how and when, what andto whom he shall sell, and at what price. The great difference betweenthe communist state and the fascist state is that in the communiststate the government plans for the industries of the nationwhich it owns and in the fascist state the government plans forindustries which are owned by private persons.This means incessant, comprehensive intrusion into the affairs ofevery business enterprise. This can be accomplished in several ways.The enterprises may be organized into guild or corporative groupsthat make plans under the supervision of the government and subject140

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