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cidental music—rising unemployment, fires going out in factoryfurnaces, stores closing and banks busting, investment paralyzed,and the masses—the modern masses, conditioned to the better lifeand dreams of still greater abundance—in revolt against Fate andsearching for a savior.In the end the country did what it always does—threw out theparty under whose regime the depression rose and installed theopposition party in power. No comparison, of course, can be madebetween the Democratic party here and the Fascist and Nazi partiesin Italy and Germany. There are resemblances, however, which arestriking. They are, indeed, more than striking—they are of the firstimportance. It will be recalled that the fascists when launchingtheir movement proclaimed a platform of eleven points and that thenational socialists did the same, expanding theirs to twenty-fivepoints. It will be remembered, however, that, when they came intopower, the most important of these points were dropped and awholly new and different program inaugurated. In the UnitedStates, the Democratic party adopted a platform which conformedat all points with the views of the liberal elements of that party.That platform was brief, crisp, cocksure. Here are its main points:1. An immediate and drastic reduction of government expenditures byabolishing useless commissions and offices.2. Maintenance of national credit by a budget annually balanced.3. A sound currency to be maintained at all hazards and an internationaleconomic conference to restore trade.4. Advance planning of public works and financial help to states forsame.5. Unemployment and old-age pensions under state laws,6. Better financing of farm mortgages and aid to farm co-operatives.7. Adequate army, but based on facts so that in time of peace the nationmay not be burdened with a bill approaching a billion a year.8. Strict and impartial enforcement of the anti-trust laws.9. No cancellation of foreign debts, firm foreign policy looking towardpeace, etc.10. Statehood for Puerto Rico and independence for the Philippines.11. Regulation of investment banking, holding companies, utility companies,and exchanges.12. More rigid supervision of national banks and other banking reforms.170

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