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JOHN T. FLYNN was an author and journalist, a social critic withwide-ranging interests. Born in 1882, Flynn was a graduate of GeorgetownUniversity Law School. He made his career in journalism, working for suchpublications as the New York Globe and the New Haven Register. During the1930's he wrote for the New Republic, and he also served as an adviser to theSenate Committee on Banking and Currency, economic affairs being one ofhis journalistic specialties. He was also a lecturer on contemporary economicsat the New School for Social Research at this time.As a strong critic of militarism and domestic statism, Flynn opposedAmerica's drift towards war prior to World War II and was chairman of theAmerica First Committee in New York. In 1940, he published one of manybooks, Country Squire in the White House, a critical study of PresidentRoosevelt. As We Go Marching, his indictment of American fascism waspublished in 1944.During the 1950's his views were emphatically right-wing, but stillconcerned with limiting the power of government. In addition to writingbooks on American foreign policy in Asia and other subjects, he was anetwork radio commentator. Flynn died in 1964 at the age of 81.RONALD RADOSH is Associate Professor of History at QueensboroughCommunity College, C.U.N.Y., and is a member of the Graduate Faculty ofthe City University of New York. He is author of American Labor and UnitedStates Foreign Policy (Random House, 1970). He is now completing a studyof the critique of American foreign policy made by leading "conservatives,"including John T. Flynn, Charles A. Beard, Oswald Garrison Villard, andRobert A. Taft. This work will be published in September 1974 by Simonand Schuster.

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