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artisan" of Greece, went through all the standard welfare measures,minimum wages, eight-hour laws, pensions, free medical services,etc., accompanied by all the well-known fascist techniques of regimentation.And of course he spent money that he borrowed andmade the army the greatest project of all, telling the people that"their turn will come someday."Many of these dictators had their purges—Kemal Pasha, for instance,to whom we now refer with admiration as "that great man,"yet who, when his old colleagues seemed to be getting a little outof hand, had them strung up by the dozens and gave a great ballthe night they were being bumped off. What I am driving at is thatwe are in a way of doing for fascism what we began to do for thetrusts in the early 1900s. We began to talk about "bad trusts" and"good trusts." Now we are coming around to recognizing "badfascism" and "good fascism." A bad fascism is a fascist regimewhich is against us in the war. A good fascist regime is one that ison our side. Or to repeat what I have already said, a bad fascistregime is one that makes war upon its neighbors and persecutes theJews; a good fascist regime is one that is jumped on by somestronger fascism and does not alter the long-standing attitude ofthe country toward either Jews or Christians. And from this beginningthere are plenty of Americans who have descanted at lengthupon the magnificent achievements of Mussolini and the betterside of the German regime. And so we flirt a little with the idea thatperhaps fascism might be set up without these degrading features,that even if there is to be totalitarian government it is to be just ateeny-weeny bit totalitarian and only a teeny bit militarist andimperialist only on the side of God and democracy.165

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