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Power of the purse in the people, 237-38Preissig, Dr. Edward, 78Press in Italy, 5Pribram, Karl, study of monopolies in Europe,29Progress party in Germany, 100-01Prohibition, and its repeal, 229Proportional representation in Italy, 61-62Public spending, by Giolitti, 41-42; by Mussolini,50-52; by Weimar republic, 94; byHitler, 134; in the United States, 172-79,20j-07PWA,256Quay, Matthew Stanley, American politician,cited, 60Radio, as an instrument of corporative control,65Ranshoven-Wertheimer, Dr. Egon, quoted onHitler, 152Rathenau, Walter, German industrialist, 111-12; quoted on planned economy, 113;founded corporations, 114; 155, 190, 203Rauschning, Hermann, break with Nazis, 150;quoted, 153; 138, 142Recessional, by Kipling, mentioned, 209Reconstruction Finance Corporation, 184, 247Red terror, 127Red Week in Italy, 39Reflections on Violence, by Georges Sorel, 30Reicbskreditgesellscbaft, organized by theWeimar republic, 115Reichstag, of the Weimar republic, 117Renaissance, of Italy, 22Renatus, Kuno, his Twelfth Hour of Capitalismcited, 94Reno, Milo, his Farm Holiday, 169Rentenmark, new currency unit in Germany,invented by Schacht, 92Republican (Springfield, 111.), laments supportof United States imperialism, 219Rerum novarum, encyclical of Pope Leo XIII,10Revolt in Germany, 118-20Revolt of the Masses, by José Ortega, quoted,83-84Revolution, European radicals' specialty, 63Reynal & Hitchcock, their edition of MemKampf cited, 79Rhodes, Cecil John, quoted, 215Rhodes, conquered by Italy, 39Rights of Man mentioned, 2927ORisorgimento in Italy, 4, 7-8, 22Rockefeller, John Davidson, and the oil combines,189 ,Roehm, Ernst, joins National Socialist party,131; 138, 149Roman Empire, its re-creation a Mussoliniproject, 56Romanticists, in Italy, 33; in Germany, 120et seq.; in United States, 222 et seq.Romondo, Italian publicist, quoted on Giolitti,60Roosevelt, Mrs. Eleanor, 211Roosevelt, Franklin Delano, President of theUnited States, New Deal cited, 7; hisplanned deficit, 176; financial policy, 189;his scorn of "master minds," 197; seizureof Australian Archipelago, 225; 175, 177198, 211Rosenberg, Alfred, joins National Socialistparty, 131; preaches paganism, 156Rosenberg, Arthur, his History of the GermanRepublic quoted, 95-96Royce, Josiah, on German philosophers, 121222Ruskin, John, concern for the poor, 123cited, 221Sabath, Adolph Joseph, congressman fronIllinois, on military service, 204Salazar, Antonio de Oliveira, Portuguese dietator, 76, 77, 164Salvemini, Dr. Gaetano, on Italian bureaucracy, 11; on Mussolini's budgets, 50-j1his book What to Do with Italy quotec72; i39Sarajevo, Austrian Archduke shot, 40Sarfatti, Margherita Grassini, Mussolini's biographer, 38, 44¯¯45> 47» 49Schacht, Hjalmar, invents the Rentenmark aa new currency unit, 92; his financial jufgling, 135-36; 151. 156, 184Schiller, Johann Christoph Friedrich voiquoted, 121Schleicher, Gen. Kurt von, made Chancellcof Germany, then ousted, 146; 145, 148-4Schlieffen, Alfred, Count von, on militaieconomies, 104Schmeckebier, Dr. Laurence Frederick, cpresidential spending, 236Schuschnigg, Kurt, Austrian Chancellor, inprisoned by Hitler, 2; his fascist regim163-64Schwarzhoff, Col. Gross von, 104

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