Full-text - Norsk entomologisk forening

Full-text - Norsk entomologisk forening

Full-text - Norsk entomologisk forening


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Hydroptila simulans Mosely (Trichoptera,Hydroptilidae) new to NorwayJohn 0. SolemDet Kongelige hTorslre Videnskabers Selskab, Museet, Trondheim.During the examination of a sample of Trichoptera, collectedby the author in the summer of 1964, one of the specimens wasidentified as Hydroptila simulans Mosely.The species has not earlier been recorded in Norway. Only onespecimen, a male, was found in this collection, captured by net.The specimen was captured July 9th, 1964 by the stream fromthe lake Lillevann in Agdenes, S@r-Tr~ndelag county.Table I. Water conditions of the stream from lake Lillevann on September15th, 1965.Spec.28,2 / 71 1 S,6 1 15,O 1 11,5 1 2,5 1 131,3 1 7,8The stream from lake Lillevann flows for a total length of700 to 800 m through cultivated fields before flowing out into theouter Trondheim fjord. il.lyriophyllum-sp., moss and green algaecover the stones at the bottom. The lake Lillevann lies at 8 mabove sea level, and the stream flows moderately fast. Waterconditions were determined September 15th, 1965 (Table I\.H. simulans is also known from Sweden and Finland (Fig. 1).In Sweden it is recorded from four areas. The closest records toAgdenes, Sgr-Trondelag county, are from Dalarne and Halsingland.Additionally it has been found in Halland (Forsslund andTjeder 1942). Upon request, Forsslund told me that since 1942h. simulans has only been recorded once in Sweden, in Forsnas,Pite Lappmark 1955.

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