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Full-text - Norsk entomologisk forening

Full-text - Norsk entomologisk forening


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450 Johan AndersenScutum of pronotum only 1.04-1.08 times broader than head.i = 0.55-0.60. About 17-18 setae on each half.Mesonotum (Fig. 35) and metanotum about as broad as, andonly a little shorter than, scutum of prothorax. About twiceas broad as long. Number of setae on each side of median line:16-23 on mesonotum, 16-24 on metanotum.Joints of legs (Fig. 33) relatively thick, tibia: i = 2.0-2.4.Tibia and tarsus of about equal length, femur about 1.5 timeslonger than tibia. Dorsal seta of tarsus about a third of the wayfrom the basis. First abdominal tergite (Fig. 36) : i = 0.45 -0.47.13-16 setae on each half of median line on most of the tergites.Latero-ventral side of eighth abdominal segment (Fig. 37)with 24-30 setae.Micropores and sculpture as in the previous species.Second stageThe single specimen was not in a good condition, but thecolour nevertheless fairly well retained. Head and tergitesbrownish yellow, pronotum brown, distinctly darker than restof body, but not as strongly pigmented as in third stage. I haveseen about the same colour in living larvae.Length of head: 0.47 mm, width: 0.65 mm, ee:OO .- 0.72.Nasale (Fig. 28) broad and more conspicuous than in the thirdstage larvae studied. Antennae short-jointed, second joint 1.2times longer than broad and only 1.2 times longer than fourth.Third joint 1.3 times longer than second and a little longer thanfirst. Retinaculum small, but more slender than in third stage(Fig: 30). r:ar = 0.17. Meso- and metanotum with prescutum,the first with 20 and 21 setae on each side, the latter with 16and 19. Legs still shorter than in third stage.It was difficult to be certain of the presence of prescutum onthe abdominal tergites. 13 setae on each side of median line onthird and fifth abdominal tergites.B. dentellurnMaterial : Only the exuviae of head and prothorax of one thirdstage specimen taken in STi: Trondheim 8.8.64.Third stageLarge larva, length of head : 0.95 mm; width : 0.95 rnm.Head and pronotum light orange, monochrome. Ocellar areaonly slightly darker than rest of head. Remainder of body completelyunpigmented (observed on living larva).Head (Fig. 38) very narrow, as long as broad. Epicranialsuture almost twice as long as basal joint of outer lobe of maxilla.

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