Full-text - Norsk entomologisk forening

Full-text - Norsk entomologisk forening

Full-text - Norsk entomologisk forening


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444 Johan Andersenlong as broad (i = 2.0-2.7). First and second joints of aboutsame length, third joint between 1.1 and 1.3 times longer thansecond and about twice as long as fourth. Mandible fairly slender,peaked at apex. Shape of retinaculum variable (Fig. 3a andb), r:ar = 0.16-0.23, usually less than 0.2. Maxillary palpi(Fig. 5) with broad joints: first joint: i = 1.7-2.0; secondjoint: i = 1.0-1.8, only more than 1.5 in a single larva. Firstjoint about twice as long as second, second and third of equallength. Second joint of outer lobe usually shorter than basaljoint. Terminal joint of labial palpi relatively broad, muchshorter than basal joint (Fig. 4). Head as long as or up to 1.15times longer than scutum of prothorax.Scutum of prothorax well marked, shiny, 1.1- 1.3 timesbroader than head and 1.1-1.2 times longer than mesonotum.About twice as broad as long: i = 0.51-0.54. On each side ofmedian line 24-32 large setae, as well as micropores of samesize as on head.Mesonotum (Fig. 9) about same width or somewhat narrowerthan scutum of pronotum, and 1.3-1.4 times broader than firstabdominal tergite, front margin concave. i = 0.44-0.45. Surfacewith micropores, mat because of very fine, granulated microsculpture.Prescutum distinct, while there is no clear distinctionbetween scutum and postscutum. 23-35 setae on each side ofmedian line.Front margin of metanotum nearly straight, with 26-31setae. Otherwise as mesonotum.The legs slender (Fig. 6). Claw usually with long, pointed end,but length varies - on middle legs from about half to nearlyas long as tarsus. Femur as long as or up to 1.3 times longer thantibia and tarsus which are of equal length. Tibia: i = 2.4-3.3.The dorsal seta on tarsus about one third of the way, or less fromthe basis.Pre- and postscutum of abdominal tergites correspond tothose on mesonotum. Tergites successively longer, but narrowerfrom first to eighth segment. First tergite (Fig. 10): i = 0.39-0.45. Eighth tergite as long as mesonotum, but much narrower(i == 0.67-0.77). Number of setae on each side of median lineas follows: first tergite: 17-21; second tergite: 14-20; thirdtergite: 14-20; fourth tergite: 15-19; fifth tergite: 15-19;sixth tergite: 15-20; seventh tergite: 12-17; eighth tergite:13-17. Micropores exist, but are often hardly visible. Numeroussetae on the latero-ventral surface, on eighth segment more than50, usually between 60 and 70.

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