User Manual DDS200 Digital Demodulation System 070-9952-00

User Manual DDS200 Digital Demodulation System 070-9952-00

User Manual DDS200 Digital Demodulation System 070-9952-00


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Remote ControlExample: Responses to QueriesUnless otherwise expressly specified, a query is defined for each settingcommand. The query is generated by appending a question mark to theassociated setting command. The SCPI rules imposed on the query responses aresomewhat stricter than those of the IEEE 488.2 standard.1. The required parameter is sent without header.Example:Response:2. Numeric values are output without unit. Physical quantities refer to the basicunits or to the units set with the Unit command.Example:Response: 3. Boolean values are returned as 0 (OFF) and 1 (ON).4. Character data are returned in short form (refer to Structure of a CommandLine on page 3–8 ).Example:Response:ParametersMost commands require the specification of a parameter. The parameters must beseparated from the header by a white space. Parameters may be specified asnumeric values, Boolean parameters, character data, character strings, and blockdata. The type of parameter required for the specific command as well as thepermitted range of values are described together with the commands (refer toDescription of Commands on page 3–11).Numeric values. Numeric values may be entered in any customary form (usingsign, decimal point, and exponent). If the values exceed the resolution of theinstrument, they will be rounded off. The mantissa may comprise up to 255characters; the exponent must be in the range between –32 <strong>00</strong>0 and 32 <strong>00</strong>0. Theexponent is denoted by an “E” or “e”. The exponent alone must not be used.Physical quantities may be stated with the unit. Permissible prefixes for the unitare G (Giga), MA (Mega, MOHM and MHZ are also allowed), K (Kilo), M(Milli), U (Micro) and N (Nano). If no unit is specified, the basic unit will beused.<strong>DDS2<strong>00</strong></strong> <strong>Digital</strong> <strong>Demodulation</strong> <strong>System</strong> <strong>User</strong> <strong>Manual</strong> 3–9

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