Coins In Lucknow Mus. Vol 01 [56 MB - IndianCoins.org

Coins In Lucknow Mus. Vol 01 [56 MB - IndianCoins.org

Coins In Lucknow Mus. Vol 01 [56 MB - IndianCoins.org


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14 ROMAN COINS.Reverse. DIWS. AVGVST. DIVI. F. Head of emperor surmounted witha star. The star was used as a symbol of the protection ofheaven.Claudius born 10 B.C., died 54 A.D. ; reigned 14 years.7. Obverse. DIWS. CLAVDIVS AVGVSTVS. Head of emperor.Reverse. EX. s.c. A triumphal quadriga.13 8. Obverse. TI. CLAVD. CAESAR. AVG. GERM. P.M. TRIE. POT. P.P. Head ofemperor.Reverse. AGRIPPOAE. AYGVSTAE. Head of Agrippina, representinga young female.The inscription on the obverse would run thus :" Tiberius, ClaudiusCaesar, Augustus, Grermanicus, Pontifex Maximus, Tribunitise potestate,Pater Patriae." There were two celebrated persons bearing the nameof Agrippina one was niece of Tiberius and mother of ; Caligula, theother was mother of Nero. The image on this coin is that of theformer.9. Obverse. TI. CLAVD. CAESAR. AVG. P.M. TR. p. iv. Head of emperor.Reverse. IM. ;rest illegible. A bridge, and figure seated.May not this coin commemorate the building of the celebratedClaudian aqueduct, which bears the emperor's name to this day, and isyetin use at Rome, though partly in ruins ?10. Obverse. TI. CLAVD. CAESAR. AVG. P.M. TR. p. xi. IMP. P.P. cos. v. Headof emperor.Reverse. S.P.Q.R. P.P. OB. c.s. The former is enclosed in a wreath <strong>org</strong>arland.This would run :" Tiberius, Claudius, Caesar, Augustus, PontifexMaximus, Tribunitiae potestatis undecimo (anno), Imperator, PaterPatriae, Consulates quinto (anno). Senatus, Populusque Rornanus,Pater Patriae, ob cives servatos." The device of a civic crown is veryfrequently met with. This was usually bestowed upon those who hadsaved the life of a Roman citizen. The senate in bestowing honorsupon Augustus decreed that a civic crown should be hung from thetop of his house, and this honor having been assumed by the lateremperors, a crown of oak leaves with ob circs servatos in the centre isoften found on the reverse of coins in those Imperial times.11. Obverse. TI. CLAVD. CAESAR. AVG. GERM. P.M. TR. p. Head of emperor.Reverse. EX. s.c. OB. c.s. Enclosed in wreath as above." Ex Senatus consulto " began to be invariably used on coins in thereign of Augustus A few . republican coins are found with the sameinitials.12. Obverse. TI. CLAVD. CAESAR. AVG. P.M. TR. P. vi. IMP. xi. Head ofemperor.Reverse. S.P.Q.R. P.P. OB. c.s. Encircled with wreath.13. Obverse. TI. CLAVD. CAESAR. AVG. P.M. TR. P.X. IMP. P.P. Head ofemperor.Reverse. PACI. AVGVSTAE. "Winged figure of Victory.14. Obverse. TI. CLAVD. CAESAR. AVG. P.M. TR. p. Head of emperor.Reverse. PRAETOR. RECEPT. Emblem of concord representing twofigures joining hands.15. Obverse. TI. CLAVD. CAESAR. AVG. P.M. TR. p. vi. IMP. xi. Head ofemperor.Now in the cabinet of Captain Tufnell.

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