Coins In Lucknow Mus. Vol 01 [56 MB - IndianCoins.org

Coins In Lucknow Mus. Vol 01 [56 MB - IndianCoins.org

Coins In Lucknow Mus. Vol 01 [56 MB - IndianCoins.org


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ROMAN COINS. 15Reverse. DE. BRITANN. Triumphal arch. Emperor mounted, withtrophies. 14A most interesting coin representing the arch erected by a decree ofthe Senate to the Emperor Claudius on the final subjugation of Britain.It was in the year 43 A.D. that the Emperor Claudius sent over a largeforce to conquer the island, which he subsequently joined himself,Vespasian, afterwards emperor, being his second in command. Thistriumphal arch no longer exists, and, were it not for the representationof it on coins, we should have remained in ignorance of its ever havingbeen erected.Caligula born 12 A.D., died 41 A.D. ;reigned 3 years 10 months:16. Obverse, c. CAESAR. AVG. GERM. P.M. TR. POT. Head of emperor.Reverse. AGRIPPINAE. MAT. CAES. AVG. GERM. Head of Agrippina.The name of Caligula never appears on his coins and Caius isalways expressed by C.The above coin was struck in honor of his mother, Agrippina.17. Obverse. c. CAESAR. AVG. PON. M. TR. POT. in. cos. m. Head ofemperor.Reverse . GERMANICVS. CAES. P.O. CAES. AVG. GERM. Head of Germanicus.A coin struck in honor of his father, Germanicus.Drusus born 38 B.C., died 8 B.C.18. Obverse. NERO. CLAVDIVS. DRVSVS. GERM. AVGVSTVS. IMP. Head ofDrusus.Reverse. DE GERMAN. Triumphal arch, surmounted with equestrianfigure commemorative of the victories of Drusus in Germany.19. Obverse NERONI. CLAVDIO. DRVSO. GERM. cos. DESIGN. Head of theyoung Drusus.Reverse- EQVESTER. ORDO. PRINCIPI. JWENT.Drusus was male consul 9 B.C. The " ordo equestris" established123 B.C. Those who were admitted into the equestrian order enjoyedseveral privileges apart from the rest of the citizens, such as theirdistinction of seats in public assemblies, &c.Nero born 37 A.D., died 68 A.D. ; reigned 14 years.20. Obverse. NERO. CAESAR. AVG. IMP. Head of emperor.Reverse. PONTIF. MAX. TR. POT iv. P.P. EX. s.c.Figureholding a spear.21. Obverse. NERO. CAESAR AVG. IMP. Head of emperor.Reverse. PONTIF. MAX. TR. P.X. cos. iv. P.P. EX. s.c. Armed warrior.22. Obverse. NERO. CAESAR. AVG. IMP. Head of emperor.Reverse. PONTIF. MAX. TR. POT. iv. P.P. EX. s.c. Encircled in wreath.23. Obverse. NERO. CAESAR. AVG. IMP. Head of emperor.Reverse. PONTIF. MAX. TR. P.V. cos. iv. P.P. EX. s.c. Armed warrior.14Concerning this coin Sir Edwin Arnold says ("<strong>In</strong>dia revisited" 1886, p. 260)" :Among the curious treasures of the (Madras) <strong>Mus</strong>eum, which the Governor (Sir M. E.Grant Duff) has greatly developed, is a golden coin of Claudius, the Emperor, struck tocommemorate the conquest of Britain, and discovered in excavating a foundation nearMadras. What chapters of fancy might be written about this aureus, which thus strangelylinks the past and present of England's history, and came, perhaps, to <strong>In</strong>dia in the scripof St. Thomas !"

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