Coins In Lucknow Mus. Vol 01 [56 MB - IndianCoins.org

Coins In Lucknow Mus. Vol 01 [56 MB - IndianCoins.org

Coins In Lucknow Mus. Vol 01 [56 MB - IndianCoins.org


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47Venetions or Shanar Cash.Alkoss Cash.Guinea Cass.Mydores.St. Thome Cash.Gold Rupees.Spanish Dollars.CutGerman Crowns.American Dollars.Duccatoons.Pondicherry Eupees.,, ,,2nd sort.Soolaky , ,Arcot,,Nabob Arcot,,Arcot Soolaky ,,Nokurrah,,Mysore ,,Mallarthaye ,,Sunnamola,,SooratRassee,,AdonyKurnalChellavany Rupees.Narrain PettahCompany's SoolakyCunnanoreGurnamullySultaunyEmaumyChandolyMasulipatamBombayElephantHalt' Pagodas.Quarter ,,Sravanore Rupees.SiccaArcotBunderKaukenadooPulicatFour Annas.Bungapully Rupees.Chuckrums.Telli cherry Fanams.Various otherUnder the heading July 21, 1813, Euding says 1 : "The 1813.coins which usually circulated in the East <strong>In</strong>dies had not, as itappears, received any sanction from Government, until an Actwhich was passed at this time declared it to be expedient for theprotection of property and trade in the East <strong>In</strong>dies, that, etc., etc. ;and also that further provisions should be made for the punishmentof the crimes of, etc., etc., and of counterfeiting the current coin,and uttering such counterfeit coin in the East <strong>In</strong>dies ;it thereforeenacted that ifany person within the local limits of the criminaljurisdiction of any of His Majesty's Courts at Fort William, FortSt. Ge<strong>org</strong>e, Bombay, or Prince of "Wales' Island, or if anyperson, personally subject to the jurisdiction of the said courts, atany place in the East <strong>In</strong>dies, or any place between the Cape ofGood Hope and the Straits of Magellan, where the United Companyof Merchants of England trading to the East <strong>In</strong>dies should have asettlement, factory, or other establishment, should counterfeit, orprocure to be counterfeited, or willingly act or assist in counterfeitingany of the gold or silver coins of any of the BritishGovernments in <strong>In</strong>dia, or any gold or silver coin usually currentand received as money in payments in any part of the Britishpossessions in the East <strong>In</strong>dies, it should and might be lawful forthe court, before which any such person should be convicted of anysuch offence by due course of law, to order and adjudge thatsuch person should be transported to such place beyond the seas,and for such term of years as the said court should direct. Thepunishment for uttering such counterfeit coin, knowingit to besuch, to be upon conviction, for the first offence six months'imprisonment with hard labour during that time at the discretion1. Op. cit., vol. ii, p. 111.

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