Coins In Lucknow Mus. Vol 01 [56 MB - IndianCoins.org

Coins In Lucknow Mus. Vol 01 [56 MB - IndianCoins.org

Coins In Lucknow Mus. Vol 01 [56 MB - IndianCoins.org


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HISTOEY OF THE COINAGE OF THETEEEITOEIES OF THE EAST INDIA COMPANYIN THE INDIAN PENINSULA :ANDCATALOGUE OF THE COINS IN THEMADRAS MUSEUM.IN the year 1599 an Association of Merchant Adventurers was 15991formed to embark what Bruce" says, was then considered alarge stock on a voyage to the East <strong>In</strong>dies. The contract ofthese adventurers is valuable, from its being the first authenticdeed which occurs in the annals of an East <strong>In</strong>dia trade ;it isentitled The names ' of suche p'sons as have written withtheir owne handes, to venter in the p'tended voiage to the Easte-<strong>In</strong>dias (the which it maie please the Lorde to prosper) and thesomes that they will adventure the; xxij September 1599.' Thefund subscribed amounted to 30,133 6s. 8d., which was dividedinto one hundred and one shares or adventures, the subscriptionsof individuals varying from 100 to 3,000."At "an assemblie of the committiesor y e directors of the viagethe XXV of Septembr 1599 " it was resolved that a th- petition shalbe exhibited to y e 14^ . of her maes most honorable privy counsellin the name of the adventurer shewing ther honors that diversmerchaunts induced by the successe of the viage pformed by theDuche nation [who] and beinge informed that the duchemenprepare for a newe viage and to that ende have bought diversships heere in England, were stirred vp wth noe lesse affectionto advaunce the trade of ther native cuntrey then the duchemerchaunts were to benefite ther comon wealthe, and vpponthat affection have resolved to make a viage to the Est <strong>In</strong>dias yfher male wil be pleased to add to ther entention the better topforme the enterprise, these severall petitions or Requests following," viz. :To graunt to the adventures a priviledge in succession and toincorporate them in a companie for that the trade of the <strong>In</strong>diasbeing so farre remote from hence cannot be traded but in a jointand a vynted" stock.That the shipping of the adventurers being prepared for therviages be not staied vppon anie pretence of [anie] service for ytthe stay of one inoneth loseth the oportunetie of a whole yeresviage.1Annals of the Honorable East <strong>In</strong>dia Company from 1600-1707-8, by JohnBruce, Esq., M.P., F.E.S., Keeper of His Majesty's State Papers, and Histiographerto the Honorable East <strong>In</strong>dia Company. London, 1810 ;vol. i, p. 111.

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