Coins In Lucknow Mus. Vol 01 [56 MB - IndianCoins.org

Coins In Lucknow Mus. Vol 01 [56 MB - IndianCoins.org

Coins In Lucknow Mus. Vol 01 [56 MB - IndianCoins.org


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67rupee respectively shall be received as equivalent to the half anddouble of the abovernentioned Bombay, Madras, Farrukhabdd andSouat rupees, and to the half and double of fifteen -sixteenths ofthe " Calcutta sicca rupeeAnd that the undermentioned gold coins only shall henceforthbe coined at the mints within the territories of the East<strong>In</strong>dia :CompanyFirst, a gold mohur of 15 rupee-piece, of the weight of 180grains troy, and of the following standard, viz. :-j-^-y'j-or 165 grains of pure gold,or 1 5 grains of alloy.Second, a five-rupee piece equal to a third of a gold mohur.Third, a ten-rupee piece equal to two-thirds of a gold mohurFourth, a thirty-rupee piece, or double gold mohur." And the three last-mentioned coins shall be of the samestandard with the gold mohur, and of proportionate weight." And that these gold coins shall bear on the obverse the headand name of the reigning sovereign of the United Kingdom ofGreat Britain and Ireland, and on the reverse the designation ofthe coin in* English and Persian, and the words EAST INDIACOMPANY in English, with such embellishment as shall from timeto time be ordered by the Governor-General in Council, whichshall always be different from that of the silver coinage."And that no gold coin shall henceforward be a legal tenderof payment in any of the territories of the East <strong>In</strong>dia Company." And that it shall be competent to the Governor-General inCouncil, in his executive capacity, to direct the coining and issuingof all coins authorised by this Act to; prescribe the devices andinscriptions of the copper coins issued from the mints in the saidterritories, and to establish, regulate, and abolish mints, any lawhitherto in force to the contrary notwithstanding."<strong>In</strong> the same year (1835) an Act (STo. XXI) was passed, bywhich it was enacted " that from the 20th day of December 1835the following copper coins only shall be issued from any mintwithin the Presidency of Bengal :1 . Apice weighing. . . . ..100 grs. troy,2. A double pice weighing. . . . 200,,3. A pice, or one-twelfth of an aunaweighing 33|withsuch devices as shall be fixed for the same by the Governor-General in Council."By the same Act it was further enacted " that from the said20th of December 1835, the said piceshall be legal tender for^-f of the Company's rupee, and the said double pice ^ for of theCompany's rupee and the said pie for T^j of the Company's rupee.Provided always that, after the said 20th of December 1835, nocopper coin shall in any part of the territories of the East <strong>In</strong>diaCompany be legal tender, except for fractions of a rupee."<strong>In</strong> the following year (1836) it was enacted by Act XIII, that 1836." from the 1st January 1838, the Calcutta sicca rupee shall ceaseto be a legal tender in discharge of any debt, but shall be receivedby the Collectors of land revenue, and at all other treasuries, byweight, and subject to a charge of 1 per cent, for recoinage.

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