Coins In Lucknow Mus. Vol 01 [56 MB - IndianCoins.org

Coins In Lucknow Mus. Vol 01 [56 MB - IndianCoins.org

Coins In Lucknow Mus. Vol 01 [56 MB - IndianCoins.org


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<strong>56</strong>well as the new Arcot rupee, which is of British standard, or 11 ozs.2 dwts." The old Areot rupeeis of a standard of superior finenessto the others, the recoinage of which may be a subject for consideration."Directions were accordingly given to coin a sufficient numberof double annas and quarter and half rupees, and then to recoinall the fanam pieces.1821. The preamble of Regulation V, 1821, " for settling the ratesat which Benares and Farrukhabad rupees shall be received inpayment of the revenue of malguzars, whose engagements areexpressed in Grohurshahee or Tirsolee rupees " states that " it isenacted by Regulation XI, 1819, that the Farrukhabad rupeesshall be received within the province of Benares at par with theBenares rupees; but no provision has been made for regulating theexchange in account between the said rupees and the (johurshaheeand Tirsolee rupees, in which it appears that the engagements ofmany malguzars are expressed moreover, the batta to be taken;from such malguzars has hitherto been arbitrarily fixed, andconsiderable abuses have consequently prevailed. The intrinsicvalue of the coins having been now ascertained by a careful assay,whence itdenominated Chorah Gohur-has appeared that the rupeeshahee exceeds, and the other descriptions of Gohurshahee equalthe Farrukhabad rupee in value,' and that the latter coin is 3-11-7per cent, superior in value to the Tirsolee rupee, the Revenueofficers have been directed to adjust their demands on the saidmalguzars according to the results of the assay, subject to thegeneral principle of receiving the Farrukhabad rupee at parwith the Benares rupee, and without any demand of batta onaccount of its inferiority in value below the local currency."1823. It is stated in a letter from A. D. Campbell, Esq., Magistrateof Bellary, to the Madras Government, dated 27th April 1823, thata Brahmin, an inhabitant of Grudival in the Hyderabad territory,had tried to pass off 250 rupees of a suspicious nature, purportingto be of the Company's new coinage, in Kurnool, and stated, onexamination, that they were f<strong>org</strong>ed by a goldsmith residing inthe village of Muroor in the Hyderabad country. The Nabobwas applied to, and detectives were sent to the goldsmith, whoshowed them all his utensils, and f<strong>org</strong>ed some coins in their presence.The practical suggestion was made by Mr. Campbell thatthe inscription on the Company's coin should be partly in English,in order to render the f<strong>org</strong>ery of it more difficult, as, though theEnglish soldiers would still continue to imitate the coin, nativeswould find it much more difficult to imitate exactly English charactersthan the native letters which were familiar to them. Thefurther suggestion was made that a private mint mark might beplaced on the coin, to be communicated to Collectors or theirprincipal shroffs as a check upon f<strong>org</strong>ery.<strong>In</strong> 1823 a pice piece (fifty-three to the pound) with its half andquarter, were executed by W. "VVyon for the East <strong>In</strong>dies, by theauthority of the Secretary of State and the Master of the Mint.The obverse of these coins bore the arms ofand thethe Company

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