Coins In Lucknow Mus. Vol 01 [56 MB - IndianCoins.org

Coins In Lucknow Mus. Vol 01 [56 MB - IndianCoins.org

Coins In Lucknow Mus. Vol 01 [56 MB - IndianCoins.org


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57motto AUSP. BEGIS. & s. ANGLiAE, and the revers3 a Persianinscription. 1The mint at Farrukhabad was abolished by Regulation II, 1824.1824, it being considered no longer necessary to continue it, inasmuchas provision had been made by Eegulation XXVI, 1817,for the coinage of the Farrukhabad rupee at any of the mintsestablished by Government.Early in 1824 specimens were prepared in the Madras mintof a rupee, which, while superior in workmanship to the currentrupee, was stated to be also much better adapted for the currencyof the Madras Presidency, and very difficult to counterfeit. Itappears from a letter from the Registrar of the Zillah Court, Chingleput,to Grovernment, dated 15th December 1823, that the mostusual artifices by which coins were imitated or counterfeited atthat time consisted in hollowing the centre of the old thick Companyrupee, and filling up the cavity with lead, or striking off theimpression from both sides of a thin Company rupee on copper,and covering the surface with about one-tenth of an inch of silver,and thereby makingitonly distinguishable from the original by itsweight. But a still more lucrative speculation was carried on bygilding the silver rupee, which was of the same weight, and borethe same superscription as one species of the gold mohurs.<strong>In</strong> the year 1825 the following correspondence took place with 1825.regard to the coinage of Prince of Wales' Island :FromToTHE SECRETARY TOTHE SECRETARY TOGOVERNMENT,Fort William,GOVERNMENT,Fort St.Ge<strong>org</strong>e.SIR,I am directed by the Right Honorable the Governor-Generalin Council to transmit to you the accompanying copy of correspondencerelative to the supply of copper coinage required byPenang Government, and to request that the Honorable theGovernor in Council will be pleased to cause the coinage in questionto be prepared at Fort St. Ge<strong>org</strong>e, if practicable, and transmittedto Penang.2, Specimens of coins are herewith transmitted.I have the honor to be,Sir,Your most obedient servant,th June 1825.HOLT MACKENZIE.1Ruding, op. cit., vol. ii., p. 129.

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