Coins In Lucknow Mus. Vol 01 [56 MB - IndianCoins.org

Coins In Lucknow Mus. Vol 01 [56 MB - IndianCoins.org

Coins In Lucknow Mus. Vol 01 [56 MB - IndianCoins.org


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97Mint : Date. Obverse. Reverse.B. COINS STRUCK IN THE NAME OFNATIVE PEINCES continued.EUPEEcontinued.MurshidabadSun 19.Same legend as 4 : dottedrim on the face.(STRAIGHT MILLING.)Same legend as 4 : dottedrim on the face.[PI. vi, 3.]MurshidabadSun 19.Same legend: but plainrim on face.Same legend:rim on face.but plainHALF EUPEE.MurshidabadSun 19.(STRAIGHT MILLING.)Same legend: but ser- Same legend: but serratedrim on face.rated rim on face.[PI. vi, 4.]QUAETEE EUPEE.Murshidabadirr(" 1204. Coin of the EmperorShah Alam:") serratedrim on face.(STRAIGHT MILLING.)X. \rf(" Struck at Murshidabadin the 19th year:")serrated rim on face.[PI. vi, 5.]EUPEE.MurshidabadSun 19.MurshidabddSun 19.(WITHOUT MILLING.)(" Defender of the Mu-("Struck at Murshidabddin the 19th year of hiafortunate reign.")hammadan faith, Eeflectionof Divine Excellence,the EmperorShah Alam hasstruckthis coin to be currentthroughout the sevenclimes.")Same legend as 9 : serratedrim on the face.[Pi. vi, ejSame legend as 9: serratedrim on the face.N

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