Coins In Lucknow Mus. Vol 01 [56 MB - IndianCoins.org

Coins In Lucknow Mus. Vol 01 [56 MB - IndianCoins.org

Coins In Lucknow Mus. Vol 01 [56 MB - IndianCoins.org


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ROMAN COINS.4tTABLE SHEWING SOME OF THE INSCRIPTIONS ONTHE ROMAN COINS IN THE MADRAS MUSEUM.<strong>In</strong>scription.Remarks.ANNONA . .APOLLO . .CONCORDIAeONCORDIA EXERCITVVM.CONSTANTINOPOLISOn a copper coin of Domitian, struck onthe occasion of one of the periodical distributionsof coin. Type borrowed fromthe coinage of Nero.On a copper coin of Commodus. The figureof Apollo was probably copied from theLycian Apollo.On a copper coin of Crispina. The inscriptionand device point to the concordbetween Commodus and his wife.On a gold coin of Nerva, signifying thefidelity plighted to the emperor by thearmy.On a copper coin of Constantinus Magnus.The city of Byzantium was dedicated to,and named after, Constantino, 330 A.D.DE.BRITANNOn one of the aurei of Claudius, struck incommemoration of the conquest of GreatBritain. Another aureus (not in themuseum collection) bears the legend OB.BRITANNOS. DEVICTOS.DE. GERMANIS . .TEL. TEMP. REPARATIO .On a gold coin of Drusus, Senior. Theinscription alludes to his victories overGerman tribes.On a copper coin of Constantius II..FIDEI.PUBLICSOn a copper coin of Domitian.GLORIA.EXERCITVSOn a copper coin of Constaninus Magnus.HILARITAS . .JOVI. VICTORI . . .JVPITER. CONSERVATOR .On a copper coin of Faustina Junior.On a copper coin of Commodus, struckafter the victories over the Marcouianniand other German triedes.On a gold coin of Domitian ami a sign ofthe emperor's gratitude to Jupiter forsuccess in his campaigns.X.TJD[OS]..FEC[IT]On a gold coin of Domitian, referring tothe ssecular games held at Rome.

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