Coins In Lucknow Mus. Vol 01 [56 MB - IndianCoins.org

Coins In Lucknow Mus. Vol 01 [56 MB - IndianCoins.org

Coins In Lucknow Mus. Vol 01 [56 MB - IndianCoins.org


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32the seal of Nabob Sadutalla Khan Bahadur, Subah of Arcot, datedthe 4th November 1742 " :To the Mutasadar of tlie country of Chennapatnam andSircar of Tn'ppasoor, belonging to the Carnatic of Golcondah andto their " successors.Be it known unto all men that from the beginning of the yearFusly 1152, I have ordered a mint to be erected to coin pagodasand rupees in Chindadrepettah, belonging to Chinnapatnamand ;the same to be under the power of Mr. Benyon, Governor ofChennapatnam, for the Company. Wherefore do you let the saidGovernor have and enjoy for the Companyall the customs thatmay arise in the said mint. Observe this as a strict taukeed andperform it accordingly. Dated Ramazan 17th in the 25th year ofthe reign of the Great Mogul Mahomed Shah."Translation of the contents /cr/tten on the back of the foregoing"Sunniid. Ordered that a mint may be erected in Chindadreepettahbelonging to Chinnapatnam for coining pagodas and nipandit may be commenced from the beginning of the year Fusly1152, and to be under the power of Mr. Benyon, Governor ofChennapatnam, " for the Company.His Excellency's order by his handwritingis to draw aSunnud to the following purpose:" 'That Andiappah Naick, Dubash of the Governor of Chennapatnam,represented that the Governor desires liberty to erect amint in Chindadreepettah belonging to Chennapatnam for coiningpagodas, rupees, &c., and that we should free them from payingus the customs arising thereby, and let the same be applied tothe said Governor for the Company a sunnud is granted for;that purpose."Entered in the Book 19th Moon Ramazan, in the 25th year ofthe reign of the Great Mogul Mahomed Shah, which is the 4thNovember 1742.<strong>In</strong> 1746 a French fleet, commanded by La Bourdonnaisarrived off Madras, which surrendered, but was restored to theEnglish by the treaty of Aix-la-Chapelle two years later.<strong>In</strong> 17<strong>56</strong> Siraj-ad-daula (Surajah Dowlah), then a youth ofonly eighteen years, marched upon and took Calcutta with alarge army, but the city was retaken by Clive and Watson atthe beginning of the following year." The establishment of anindependent coinage in Bengal," says Ruding, " was 1 of laterdate than at the other presidencies. For some time subsequently totheir purchase of the zemindary of Calcutta, the only indulgencegranted to the Company was the privilege of having their bullioncoined at the mints of the Nawab of Bengal, which were at Patna,Dacca, and Murshedabad. After the capture of Calcutta a rightto establish a mint of their own was one of the stipulations in thetreaty with Suraj-ad-Doula, dated 7th February 1757."<strong>In</strong> 1758 Clive was appointed by the Court of Directors the firstGovernor of all the Company's settlements in Bengal. After awar, which continued fitfully for many years, Colonel (afterwardsSir Eyre) Coote won the decisive victory of Wandewash over the1Op. cit., vol. ii., p. 418.

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