Coins In Lucknow Mus. Vol 01 [56 MB - IndianCoins.org

Coins In Lucknow Mus. Vol 01 [56 MB - IndianCoins.org

Coins In Lucknow Mus. Vol 01 [56 MB - IndianCoins.org


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60rupees for the use of these provinces in which the want of somesuitable currency is very much felt.FromToSIB,THE SECRETARY TO GOVERNMENT,Fort William,THE SECRETARY TO GOVERNMENT,Fort St.23rd January 1829.I am directed by theI have, &c., &c.,Ge<strong>org</strong>e.Governor-General in Council to transmitto you the accompanying copy of a letter from Mr. A. D. Maingy,Civil Commissioner for the Tenasserim Provinces, dated the 13thinstant, and to request that the Eight Honorable the Governor inCouncil will be pleased to order a supply of copper money to theextent of 20,000 Madras rupees to be consigned to that gentlemanby the earliest convenient opportunity.I have, &c., &c.,1833.<strong>In</strong> 1833 a regulation (No. VII) was passed for altering theweight of the new Farrukhabdd rupee, and for assimilating itto the legal currency of the Madras and Bombay Presidencies, foradjusting the weight of the Calcutta sicca rupee, and for fixinga standard limit of weight for <strong>In</strong>dia.<strong>In</strong> the preamble of this regulation it is stated that " by aResolution of the Governor- General in Council, dated the 10th ofSeptember 1824, the Farrukhabdd rupee was ordered to be coinedof one hundred and eighty grains, one hundred and sixty-five fineand fifteen alloy, and was declared the legal currency of theSaugor and Nerbuddah territories. It is considered expedient toadopt this weight and standard for the Farrukhdbdd rupee at theCalcutta as well as at the Saugor mint, instead of that describedin section V, Regulation XI, 1819, from which it differs veryslightly, and to make the Farrukhabad currency correspond inweight and intrinsic value with the new currency of the Madrasand Bombay Presidencies. It is likewise convenient to make atrifling alteration in the weight of the Calcutta sicca rupee, asprescribed by clause 1, section 1, Regulation XIV, 1818. It isfurther convenient to introduce the weight of the Farrukhabadrupee as the unit of a general system of weights for Government<strong>In</strong>dia under the native and well-knowntransactions throughoutdenomination of the tola." l1Note on tola. From Yule and Burnell, op. cit.

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