
1995-2006 through 1999-2000 - Cowley College

1995-2006 through 1999-2000 - Cowley College

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&tu;o:eiwt A.ohi:e^;ei*i::e]wt«Cowley students amongthose honored in TopekaTwo Cowley students were among those honored in Topeka Feb. 1 1 for theiracademic accomplishments.Cassi Vandever and Mark Shrewsberry, sophomores from Arkansas City,were among 38 students from 20 community college campuses in Kansas honoredby educators and lawmakers in Topeka. The occasion was an awards luncheonfor the 1998 All-Kansas Academic Team, sponsored by the internationalheadquarters of the Phi Theta Kappa honor society, the Kansas Association ofCommunity College Trustees, and the Kansas Council of Community CollegePresidents.Several Cowley faculty and administrators were in attendance, includingPresident Dr. Pat McAtee and Dean of Instruction Conrad Jimison.The honored students represent a wide range of backgrounds, hometowns,and fields of study. What they share, according to PTK Regional Director MarkCassiVandeverT. Morman of Overland Park, is a common commitment to excellence in learning.Each was selected by his or her own community college for the statewideacademic team, and each also is a nominee for the 1998 All-USA AcademicTeam, sponsored by the national newspaper USA Today and by PTK."We're proud of the vital role community colleges play in meeting thelearning needs of Kansas, and we're proud of the way these students have distinguishedthemselves," said Sheila Frahm, former U.S. senator and former Kansaslieutenant governor. "This is an exciting annual honor that recognizes the topstudents of our community colleges across the state."As educators, legislators, and members of the Kansas State Board ofEducation looked on, the students each received a proclamation from Gov. BillGraves, a $300 educational stipend, and an academic medallion. The KansasRegents universities, and other higher education institutions in the state, havepromised to match the stipends for those who transfer after completing theircommunity college studies.Prior to the luncheon, students went to the capitol for a tour and to meet inthe senate chamber with Senate Majority Leader Tim Emmert, R-Independence.Keynote speaker for the third annual award luncheon at Topeka's Holiday Inn West/Holidome wasJennifer Rios of Kansas City Kansas Community College. Rios was named an All-Kansas Academic Teammember in 1997 and went on to be selected from a field of approximately 1 ,300 top American students asone of the 20 All-USA Academic First-Team members.First-team members each received $2,500 stipends, and were featured along with second- and thirdteammembers in the April 27 edition of USA Today.MarkShrewsberry

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