
1995-2006 through 1999-2000 - Cowley College

1995-2006 through 1999-2000 - Cowley College

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For about as long as Charlie White can remember, he used his hands to fix things. From rebuilding carsto tinkering in the machine shop. White loved working with equipment.So itcame as no surprise that White would find himself as head of the technical education program atCowley. He served as associate dean of vocational education since 1990, and joined the school's faculty in1969.Now, at the tender age of 57, White is retiring. He had early retirement planned for many years."Early retirement was in my plans, but not expected," White said. "I started positioning myself 10 yearsago."White has devoted a great deal of his life to Cowley. It began as a student in 1958. But his two-year degreewas interrupted by a four-year stint in the Marine Corps. Before he completed his bachelor's degree atPittsburg State University, White was hired as an industrial-related instructor."I set up math, science, and economicsfor the technical programs,"he said. "We (Cowley)were the only one in the state to dothat for 15 to 18 years."White later earned master's andeducational specialist degrees, alsofrom PSU. His area of the collegehas changed dramatically since hebegan."Technology and the use of computersas tools has really changed,"White said.Dr. Pat McAtee, college president,spoke fondly of White during ayear-end picnic May 8."When I came to the college 10years ago, we had a lot of tasks. Lynn Stalnaker and Charlie Whitebefore us in the technical area,"McAtee said. "I know how hard itis to change, but Charlie did it."He's the only one I can call on about technology in that area. He can talk to those business and industrypeople and they understand."White, whose sense of humor always made those around him laugh, said he will remain connected toCowley."I do plan to do some part-time teaching for the college," he said. "And with all the training we've donewith business and industry, I'll be involved in that."In the early1980s, White became chairman of the Industrial Technology Division. He said having studentsin the technical programs two years helped foster close relationships."I'm going to miss the students," he said. "There were a lot of friendships made. Down here you get toknow the students pretty well."While part-time teaching will take up some of White's retirement time, he also has about a dozen rentalhomes to maintain and four antique cars to restore. Fishing also will be a big part of his retirement."But the biggest thing is more time with my family," White said. "It's been a hit-and-miss thing throughthe years. Now I'll be able to pick and choose when we want to do things as a family."

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