
1995-2006 through 1999-2000 - Cowley College

1995-2006 through 1999-2000 - Cowley College

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STAFF ACHIEVEMENTSNational business organizationhonors Regnier as top officerHHModesty always has been atrademark of Sid Regnier.So when Cowley's vice presidentof business services wasnamed the 1998 Outstanding ChiefBusiness Officer for Region VI, hedidn't say too much. And he toldvery few people.He is honored, but he is takingit in stride."I'm overwhelmed." Regniersaid. "I have no idea how manywerenominated from our region.I've been attending the nationalbusiness officers association for a lotof years, and I have a lot of friends.A lot of them are business officers atinstitutions much bigger thanCowley. They have the same issues Ido, just on a larger scale, and I wonderwhy they weren't picked."Community College BusinessOfficers Region VI iscomprised ofKansas, Missouri, and Oklahoma.Regnier was recognized asRegionVI's Outstanding Chief BusinessOfficer at the CCBO InternationalConference, Nov. 14-17. 1998. inSanta Fe, N.M. Regnier was one of1 1 businessofficers nationwideselected for regional honors.Selection is based on the officer'seffectiveness in carrying out responsibilities,participation in institutionalstrategic planning, professionalinvolvement in state and nationalassociations, and contributions tothe community.Regnier, 59. and a native ofFairbury. Neb., came to Cowley inJuly 1974 as business manager. Priorto that he worked for SoutheastCommunity College in Fairbury,from 1967-74, the same place heearned an associate's degree.In January1966, Regnier graduatedfrom the University ofNebraska-Kearney, then KearneyState College, with a bachelor'sdegree in business education. Hespent the spring semester of 1966teaching business courses atNebraska City High School. Fromthere, Regnier went to Scott City,Kan., as the office education anddistributive education coordinator.While at Fairbury, Regniertaught business and economics from1967 to December 1969. In January1970, he became the school's firstbusiness manager. Regnier also wasSoutheast's continuing educationcoordinator, golf coach for 2 1/2years (teams never lost a match),and assistant football coach.As with so many careers, technologyhas changed the way Regnierdoes his job."Computerization, the telephonesystem going from analog todigital, it's all changed so much," hesaid. "It's been exciting to gothrough."Regnier and wife"The people I've worked withall the faculty, staff, administrators,the Boards of Trustees, the city people,the county—the list is endless,have been most rewarding. I am farmore concerned about them andwhat they do than I am about me andwhat I do."Sid RegnierSharon havebeen married 38 years. They havethree children: Doug in Houston,Texas; Jodi in Big Spring, Texas;and David, a fellow Cowley employee,in Arkansas City. The Regniersalso have eight grandchildren.Regnier's mother Luella, still residesin Fairbury.Regnier's regard for his fellowman has earned him great respectamong his colleagues and co-workers.'The people I've workedVice President of Business Serviceswith—all the faculty, staff, administrators,the Boards of Trustees, thecity people, the county—the list isendless, have been most rewarding,"Regnier said. "I am far more concernedabout them and what they dothan I am about me and what I do."That self-less attitude is displayedthrough Regnier's work, andhis community service. It includesbeing a member of the board ofdirectors for the Ark City ArtsCouncil, a past member and chair ofthe former Arkansas City MemorialHospital Board of Directors, and asa member of Redeemer EvangelicalLutheran Church in Arkansas City.At Cowley, Regnier has beeninstrumental in keeping the schoolfiscally sound throughout the years.He has been a leader in defining thecollege's mission and developing thestrategic planning process. ThroughRegnier's leadership, Cowley hasthe fifth-lowest mill levy and theseventh-lowest tuition rate amongthe 19 community colleges inKansas.In his valuable spare time,Regnier enjoys volunteering andspending time with family."I used to play golf," he saidwith a laugh. "I have a 1958 Fordretractable that my wife and I enjoygoing out inthe evenings and puttingthe top down."

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